View Full Version : Blip blip blip blip

24-11-12, 23:10
This is for those of you who have been on medication for GAD a while.
Do you still have blips (set backs)?
what causes them in your case?
How long do they last, hours, days, weeks?
what do you do when a blip creeps up?
what scares you whilst having a blip,what thought?

24-11-12, 23:24
I am not on medication.
However, it may be useful to you to know that I had a blip recently and got through it.
1. yes
2. What caused mine was going back my previous way of thinking which was catastrophising and limiting my activities.
3. It lasted till I sorted it out! They last till you sort them out and get back to a good state.
4. When a blip creeps up, it can take a while for me to notice, then I set a notebook up writing down any habits I am taking up that I used to have, bad habits, and limitations I am setting myself. THen I will notice a pattern and sort out the offending thought pattern.
5. The thoughts that scare me during a blip are wither current problems or thoughts I had before the recovery stage.