View Full Version : is it at all possible to totally lose the plot?

25-11-12, 16:17
I should know the answer by now, but ive read that gad can cause a total breakdown (i googled :weep:) how many episodes can brains take before we are tipped over the edge....im on 150mg of sertraline and have been for a few months and have had a couple of blips but this time is worse :weep:[ ive seen people who wander around obviously unwell muttering away to themselves and doing way out things....im so scared ill end up that way :weep:

25-11-12, 18:40
Firstly, and I'm sure you know...googling again that isn't science homework is bad for you :P

Secondly, there are people on here, and elsewhere that have had GAD, and much worse for years and years and are totally sane and regular people. The fear of insanity is so common amongst people with anxiety, nervous disorders etc, and just a result of being fatigued and tired. Don't let thoughts like this worry you, and if you haven't already, get a copy of Dr. Claire Weekes "Self help for your nerves". It's an amazing book and explains everything you need to know :)

25-11-12, 22:31

25-11-12, 22:36
You overthinking on this and you should only repeat to yourself that it will go away.

26-11-12, 00:52
You know that is not going to happen to you hun. Blips are scarey and knock our confidence. It's like 3 paces forward and 2 paces back some of the time. Keep positive, you will get through this :hugs: xxx