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View Full Version : I really need your help - please

25-11-12, 16:22
Hi all,
10 days ago I was in hospital for suspected appendicitis (it turned out not to be), but whilst there I had to have an IV in my inner elbow for fluids and painkiller. The cannula really hurt whilst in, and I asked the nurses about 5 times to take it out. They all refused 'until you see a doctor', and when I saw a Dr, 8 hours later, she took it out.

Halfway down my arm along the vein, a red patch developed - not on the IV insertion site, but half way down towards the hand. It was itchy. I told the nurse and again she wasnt bothered.

I was discharged and the whole of the inner side of my forearm continued to be itchy and a discoloured round circle developed over the vein under the skin. I then got pins and needles in the hand, and a lot of pain and pressure up the whole arm.

Ive been to at least 3 different drs about this. None have seemed too bothered and have said it's phlebitis (inflammation of the vein). On Wed I went to A+E as it had gotten so bad that I almost had a major panic attack. They were very understanding and did a D-Dimer blood test for clots. It was negative and they said it's phlebitis without clots at the moment and gave me some antibiotics and painkillers.

Now Ive been reading that phlebitis can turn into a DVT if it continues for a long time, and mine has been 10 days now. Im so scared that Im going to get a DVT then a PE and no one will notice until it happens.

Earlier I got a sharp stabbing pain in my chest for literally 3 seconds and its really scared me.

Even though the D-Dimer blood test was negative, Ive convinced myself that in the space of 4 days,its changed to a DVT and now Im getting a PE.

Im at my mums at the moment as my grandad is VERY sick, and we are caring for him. She's looked at the arm and shes said it looks no different but I think the veins are more inflamed and the arm is swollen (it isnt red or hot).

I hate this. I feel on the edge of panic. Please if anyones got any advice id be so grateful

Charlotte x

25-11-12, 16:41
just deals in facts....relax and think about things rationally...if the doctor says its fine - it's fine - keep telling yourself this everytime unwanted thoughts arise...

25-11-12, 17:07
IF it continues after a few more days then seek a doctor but here's something that may help you. IF this develops into DVT you would know about it. The pain would be constant and unbearable and your arm would swell. The surrounding area would be purple and swollen and you wouldn't be able to ignore it. There IS a risk it could develop into DVT but the odds are small, and this will go down. Relax and breathe. You're not going to have a PE.

02-12-12, 20:57
From personal experience.
I used to have severe stabbing pains in my chest,
My cardiologist said (his exact words) " Its NOT the sharp stabbing pains to be worried about. The omes you need to worry about are the crushing pains, as if someone is crushing your heart".
Whenever i get sharp stabbimg pains in ky chest, I always remember what my cardiologist said and they seem to go away!
Hope this helps and hope you feel better soon! :-)

---------- Post added at 14:57 ---------- Previous post was at 14:55 ----------

Sorry for my typos but typing with my left hand.

03-12-12, 00:36
I'm really feeling for you right now! I've been plagued with fears of DVT in the past and it's really scary!
First of all, take a deep breath!
If it was DVT, it would be purple, swollen and in agony. From what you've described it doesn't sound as if that's the case!
DVT is a very serious condition, so if the doctors thought that you may have/develope it, they'd be a lot more concerned!
The fact that they aren't bothered is a good sign!
I hope you feel better soon and please keep us posted on your arm!
Much <3 and positive thoughts xx

03-12-12, 01:01
If the doctor said that you are fine try and and put this to rest, just give it timw and it will go away.

09-12-12, 10:20
Well it's been 2 weeks since I orginally posted this and the chest pains are back, along with soreness in my arm.

Ive had ANOTHER D-Dimer test for clots, and it was negative again - this was my 3rd d-dimer test since I had the IV in my arm and had the pain. My veins in my right arm are enlarged and I get sharp pains in the whole arm. I think it's swollen, but all my family are saying it's not.... The GP has said he thinks its nerve damage from the IV. I dont believe anyone and it's really upsetting me, I feel like Im being made to feel like Im going MAD.

All day yesterday my chest was hurting, and my upper back. I have started with a cough and am bringing up what TASTES like blood, but I cant see any blood. Yesterday it was mostly right sided but this morning it feels centre and left.

Im so so scared it's a Pulmonary Embolism from my arm... my last d-dimer was a week and a half ago and now Im worried that the vein is inflamed and has caused a DVT causing a PE in that weel and a half. The pain in my arm hasnt gotten WORSE, its just still there. Ive measured my arms and they are more or less the same.

I went to a concert last night, and didnt have the chest pains/back pains as much. I was thinking, wouldnt a PE hurt ALL the time? Not come and go?

I know to some of you it may sound silly, but PLEASE, any advice or help would hopefully make me feel a bit clearer in my mind.

Charlotte x