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View Full Version : fighting anxiety with thr floods

25-11-12, 17:15
In the past id be wetting myself worrying about the thought of being flooded.
Anyway ive decided not to read/look at the news weather reports cus these really set me off.
I went to my bfs house today and his garden is absolutely flooded amd the fire engine has been here all day pumping out water and there staying all night blesd um.

Ive tried to not panic and all day ive been trying to joke about it instead of panicking, ive done well but now its dark out we cant see and theres more rain for tonoght im feeling low, hot anxious and fuzzy headed :(

My house is fine as we live in the town but he lives in the country, i just hope it stops soon for the rest of the uk!

Anyone else been flooded?

25-11-12, 17:32
Just went through that hurricane here in the US, and it was scarey, all I can say is stay strong it will pass, and the sun will come out tomm. You will be alright, just stay safe. I have a small stream next to my house, it has only risen 1 time thank goodness, but it scares me every time we get any kind of storm. I just hope for the best, and keep alert. I hope the rain passes for you soon. I will be thinking of you. :hugs:

25-11-12, 18:18
I live on top of a hill so the floods are not so much of a worry for me, it is the wind! I hate it when we have really strong winds and feel like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz..I must get some red shoes!! The bottom of my street was badly flooded a few years ago (there is a river at the bottom) and we went down to help them, the water was above my knees as we were getting the water out of their houses and I felt so bad for them. I am thinking about all those who are affected by the floods here now. x