View Full Version : Freakin Out I have Lung Cancer!!!

25-11-12, 21:34
Hello my name is Dragi and I am a 29 year old non smoker . Sorry this is kind of long. It all started with a sore throat about a month ago. I went to the Doc who gave me antibiotics. Well the sore throat went away but I started to cough and spit up crap from my lungs. It was mostly yellow and green . After a week I was feeling better but still coughing up stuff. One morning all of a sudden I coughed up a good chunk of Blood!!! It freaked the Hell out of me . It happened again then I rushed to the ER freaking out that I had Lung Cancer they did all the Bloodwork which came back normal and they did a chest X-ray which showed mild Phenmonia in my right lung. They gave me a different antibiotic and after 4 or 5 days the coughing up blood stopped. But then a week later this past thursday I coughed up Blood again. Then it happend the next day to so I rushed to the ER again convinced I had Lung Cancer and the X-ray missed it. They did all the Bloodwork again which was normal. Then the Doc said she was gonna do a Chest CT Scan with contrast to rule out Lesions or Blood Clots in the Lung. So they did the test and told me no clots or lesions but I had a couple spots of Phenmonia on my lungs and they gave me iv antibiotics and sent me home with 2 antibiotics. It's been 3 days now and I still am spitting up a little blood everytime I clear my lungs out. Besides that I feel fine no fever or chills . I'm just terrified the CT Scan missed something please help !!
Thank you

25-11-12, 21:39
The scan would not have missed it and it would also have shown in blood tests. Hopefully the antibiotics will work. Pneumonia can take a while to clear. Hope you are well soon.

25-11-12, 22:19
I agree with Annie. The tests you had would certainly have shown if you had lung cancer. Also at your age it would be an extremely rare thing especially as you do not smoke.
Sometimes it takes a few weeks for antibiotics to clear this type of infection up and they may have to try different antibiotics until they get the right one.

25-11-12, 22:49
Try not to worry. As mentioned already they would have certainly been able to see from all the tests that have been done if you had lung cancer. Give the antibiotics some more time to work and in the meantime try to take your mind off your lung issues by listening to music or going for a walk.

25-11-12, 22:57
Thank you all that helps a great deal.

26-11-12, 04:59
Yup, you should be in clear regarding cancer. I've had a mild Phenmonia once (10 years ago?), it left 1/4 of one of my lung "dead" and a scar that shows up on x-rays. It also hurts a bit when the weather is humid or moist.

Don't let that scare you, when you recover you'll be able to jog, run, swim, do marathons or climb hills if you stay fit ;)

I had almost the same symptoms as you and they took a while to go away, so be calm, follow the doctor's orders to the letter and hang in there, you'll be fine ;)