View Full Version : Ms worries

25-11-12, 21:45
Hi, I'm not doing very well at the moment, seem to get bad anxiety symptoms every year. Around winter time, the last few weeks I have felt a bit nervous and the symptoms have been coming in thick and fast, odd feeling in my face, mostly right side, sometimes burning or tickling, since Thursday night when I read an article about Amy wine houses mum, who has ms and it started with tingling in her hands and feet, I am convinced I have ms as have had previous odd symptoms before, this facial feeling isn't letting up and I have a burning scalp too, I'm 6 months regnant and came off meds 2 months ago, I have never had numbness but get odd sensations on my body, can anyone relate to this

25-11-12, 21:57
Hi princess,
I can relate to all your symptoms,
I am currently also climbing out of the set back after 1,5 years free.
Total 7 years.
This burning and other face sensations are ery incomfortable but if you try to repeat to yourself - its not danerous - it can help.
As for tablets - your bith doctors should definately make a decision on whether to start meds again during pregnancy.
I remember with my 2nd pregnancy i was waking up shaking and covered in sweat all the time and had no ide what was that. Was diagnosed only years after with GAD.
Take care,

25-11-12, 22:52
Thank you for your post I'm grateful for your advise, I've been doing so well lately, I already have a 4 year old, so I just want to feel normal for her, I will book an app tomorrow to see the doctor, hopefully sort this out x