View Full Version : stress from kids...

26-11-12, 03:59
i have 3 kids...love them to bits but im constantly craving for time on my own.feel like im going mental...almost forgot who i am.....i live with my partner..we are always so busy with this n that but i feel a nerveous wreck being constantly nagged by the kids

i get callled 'constantly mummy' 'mummy' 'get me a drink' 'he hit me , she's annoying me' my 3 year old follows me around the house like a lost lamb...i cant even lock the bathroom door without him knocking and shaking it...i dont talk to my partner much as the kids are so noisy and constantly butt in conversations that i give up trying...

my daughter is a tantrum queen (she's nearly 8) she screems...

they invade my personal space (my bedroom) they put there toys all over my floor and i step on them...my son pulled my camera off the side and broke it ...i just feel like shoutng 'leave my stuff alone!!!'and they dont listen to me..

i feel weak..i hate loud noise..i have no energy...i love my kids so much but cant escape the chaos....and when they have gone bed i feel sad and want to cuddle them and tell them i love them...

anyone else feel like this

28-11-12, 12:39
i have 3 kids...love them to bits but im constantly craving for time on my own.feel like im going mental...almost forgot who i am.....i live with my partner..we are always so busy with this n that but i feel a nerveous wreck being constantly nagged by the kids

i get callled 'constantly mummy' 'mummy' 'get me a drink' 'he hit me , she's annoying me' my 3 year old follows me around the house like a lost lamb...i cant even lock the bathroom door without him knocking and shaking it...i dont talk to my partner much as the kids are so noisy and constantly butt in conversations that i give up trying...

my daughter is a tantrum queen (she's nearly 8) she screems...

they invade my personal space (my bedroom) they put there toys all over my floor and i step on them...my son pulled my camera off the side and broke it ...i just feel like shoutng 'leave my stuff alone!!!'and they dont listen to me..

i feel weak..i hate loud noise..i have no energy...i love my kids so much but cant escape the chaos....and when they have gone bed i feel sad and want to cuddle them and tell them i love them...

anyone else feel like this

Yep, sounds like normal family life to me! I can understand every word you say.

The best thing to do is try and give yourself a break wherever possible. Do you have other family members who could help out at all? A Mum or aunt who could step into the chaos while you could just nip out for a bit or have some time with your partner without the kids? Do you have any friends who you could have a rota with for looking after each others kids so you can have some time for yourself? Could your partner do a little more to help? Could you take them all round to a relatives and leave them there for a short while just to get away for a bit. These are the sort of strategies which I have found helpful.

I wish you all the best with it all. Being a parent is never easy.

Tyke :)

28-11-12, 13:36
Hi there - your post you could have been written by me!! I can relate to everything you have said - to be honest I don't kno what the solution is - I guess you get through it a day at a time - take time out for yourself - keep kids occupied - get them to bed early so you have an evening to yourself - you may find when yr 3 yr old goes to schl you may feel on top of things sometimes its so overwhelming - good luck !!