View Full Version : Sad in the Morning

26-11-12, 09:02
Why is it that even if I have gone to bed in a good mood that when I awake in the morning I seem to have taken a step backwards. I never want to get up in the morning and would quite cheerfully stay in bed all day if I was able to. I can understand this when I am going through a bad patch but why does it happen when I am feeling reasonably good. Once upon a time, before I had health anxiety, I would jump out of bed and get on with things and now every morning is a struggle to get going.

26-11-12, 09:07
I am the same on a morning..I feel really anxious as soon as I wake up but the longer I stay in bed the worse I get so I put the tv on straight away then make my breakfast and that helps me feel a little better.

26-11-12, 09:25
i totally know where your coming from there frankie, its really annoying isn,t it, it actually puts me off going to bed, it,s hard to be really strict with yourself too and get out of bed n get going when your feeling like that too, takes all your strength, i, too am ok once i get on with things but really need a kick up the butt first thing,lol xxxx
karen :mad:

26-11-12, 10:29
I'm the same I can feel really happy and relaxed in the evening and bedtime and it doesnt matter if I've had a good nights sleep or not I will always feel down in the mornings and I dont start to feel better until mid afternoon most days.

It doesnt help either that I have IBS which is worse in the mornings.

I did read that the stress hormones are at the highest in the mornings so that may have something to do with it!

Stands mum
26-11-12, 10:30
Yes I feel worse in the mornings. Funnily enough I find my mood lifts once I've got the kids in bed at the end of the day :winks:

I am home all day with my baby and I get a real sinking sick feeling when we don't have plans for the day (like today).

26-11-12, 11:09
I hate the mornings, I particularly hate Monday mornings. I'm not as bad at the weekend but during the week I wake up and just feel really low. By the time it's evening most days I am fine. Seems to be common with anxiety and depression for some reason.

Jen Sat
26-11-12, 11:16
Same here, on going to bed in the evening when I feel somewhat 'normal', I tell myself I have turned the corner and that tomorrow will be a continuation of the previous evening. So on waking when the low mood is there its so disheartening. Yes it is worse if I stay in bed as my thoughts just get more exaggerated and I work myself up more. It takes so much energy to get going and once I focus on something else my mood lifts.

26-11-12, 12:34
My anxiety always peaks in the morning. I have to have a set routine to maintain my calm and level out my mood before I am good for anything. I make sure that the heating is always on when I am due to get out of bed (a warm bedroom is more hospitable) and then I have to have a quiet sit down while I eat breakfast and watch TV for 10 mins. By this time I am normally feeling human again. I also restrain from drinking caffeine until I get to work, as I dont need the anxiety stimulation when I am first awake.