View Full Version : Anybody get & think like this?

26-11-12, 10:59
Hi people,
I wanted to say and ask a few things.
Apart from the usual feelings of worthlessness etc does anybody else get intrusive thoughts about other people not liking them? Maybe you think people see you as a loser? Irrational and false but strong enough to make you believe it. I cant stop this lately and the more they pop into my head the more depressed and angry i get.I know i will be very short tempered with certain people i think dont like me when i see them again. False paranoia i guess you could call it. These feelings and others have come on more since i had to stop taking sertraline due to side effects i couldnt cope with. It is as if sertraline has made my issues stronger or even brought forward new things into the light.

Some days,not often,i can be very happy, a sort of butterfly feeling in my stomach like when you are excited about something. Not the butterfly feeling that will bring on the rest of the physical symptoms of anxiety but just a general happiness. I have no anxiety and i can go and do pretty much what i want! Then next day or a few days later im back to how i am now and usually am.

I am pretty confused at the moment!The main issue of GAD is there but it seems this depression of sorts is getting worse, or something is manifesting itself. Should i tell my GP on Thursday when i go back? I dont if i should, i feel like i am wasting his time or messing him about.
There are a few more feelings etc, if anybody is interested i shall share more.

Thanks for reading:)

26-11-12, 13:27
Unfortunately I think all of us suffer with irrational or intrusive thoughts at some time when we have anxiety/depression. I try not to focus on mine and let them wash over me, not always easy. Don't think you are wasting you GP's time, if you need help with this symptom, go and get it. When mine were bad the doctor prescribed Amitriptyline and that more or less did the trick.

26-11-12, 15:45
Yeah, i know these symptoms are common place, its just it seems to be getting more intense lately. SSRI`s always seem to give me the worst side effects, so i dont know what else he could do.

26-11-12, 17:58
Yeah, i know these symptoms are common place, its just it seems to be getting more intense lately. SSRI`s always seem to give me the worst side effects, so i dont know what else he could do.

Amitriptyline is a Tricyclic and sometimes used when SSRI's have failed.

26-11-12, 18:59
Thanks for the replies BobbyDog, i shall see whats what on Thursday. I am tempted to ask about pregabalin since this helps a lot of people on this site with anxiety.