View Full Version : Pain in side of boob/armpit. Feels like pulled muscle

26-11-12, 14:02
It feels like a deep pain. I feel it when I open out my arm Etc. but I haven't injured it?! Scared its a breast lump or something. It's so the side of my breast almost like my upper rib/chest area.


27-11-12, 12:48
Why don't you give it a few days and then re asses it then. I Am sure it would be nothing, but of you find it hasn't gotten any better you can decide if you need to go to the doctor to get it checked out.

17-03-13, 18:53
Got this again!!

Anyone else had this?

17-03-13, 18:59
My left armpit is my main symptom. It feels like I need to keep pulling my clothes away from it. A sort of discomfort rather than pain. I def don't have any visible lumps and I can't feel anything when I press in the area.

When it is really bad, it seems to go into my neck and chest and that's when my panic starts, which of course just makes it worse.

Try not to worry, lelespears, I am sure this is a typical anxiety symptom.


17-03-13, 19:11
yes i get this and it sometimes spreads to my shoulder!!

18-03-13, 08:54
This is horrible! It's Like a deep ache. But more so if I move my arm!

What could it be. Freaking now about imflamitary breast cancer!

18-03-13, 11:00
I have a lot of breast pain in and alongside my left breast and have seen the brilliant doctors/nurses in our local breast care clinic. The last doctor told me that pain without a fairly obvious lump is pretty safely nothing to worry about. The pain usually only starts when a lump has grown so big it is pressing on nerves. See your GP if you are worried and you should be seen at breast care very quickly.

You have a huge muscle there and I guarantee that anxiety will make any pain worse!


15-04-13, 12:39
I get this this quite a lot and often it radiates down my arm, it often goes after a day or so. I havent been to the doctor but Im wondering if it is to do with tension/posture etc. My mum suffers from a bad back and she gets pain in the side of her breast which the docs have examined and said it is to go with her back. I guess its all linked? Also, another thought is that sometimes it occurs after ive shaved my armpit.. maybe a sweat gland or spot appearing. I get armpit spots a lot.

Did you ever get it checked?

mrs way to worried
15-04-13, 22:10
i get this exact same thing it always feels like my clothes r to tight around that area and my armpit is full its like a weird ache i worry about it all the time x