View Full Version : Appointment!

26-11-12, 14:14
So my appointment with my councillor for CBT was at 2pm...

She's ten minutes late so far.. after 3 weeks of being off sick I'm starting to worry she isn't coming!

I've been looking forward to this for weeks! With hope of her helping me at least be able to get out a little way before Christmas gets here or perhaps even to my Mums house (wishful thinking?)

Anywhoooo I hope you're all having a better day than me.. Back to waiting!

Hannah x

26-11-12, 14:19
I hope she manages to get there and it goes well for you x

26-11-12, 15:36
Only half an hour late, but did stay for a full hour!

No progress has been made really. We spent the hour talking about what we've done in the past few weeks since we last met.

Her suggestion was to go for coffee in town at the next session, however this has been pushed back to the New Year due to the excess of people Christmas shopping.

She left me with no tips or things to aim for just an appointment on the 14th December! I guess that will be the last one before Chistmas. *Sigh*

Left feeling deflated again as I'm not further forward that 4 months ago.. Has anyone else experienced such a slow start with CBT sessions?

27-11-12, 18:54
she suggested going for a COFFEE in town. That made me smile. Voice of experiance here... stop all drinks that contain caffine, and enjoy the magic.

27-11-12, 21:29
Yes i agree with times71, coffee - make sure its decaff. I have had alot of therapy over the years with different therpists (counsellor, cbt, psychotherapist) and it didnt work for me. I called time on my last therapist and have gone down the self help route which I have found much better for me and benifical. I have a book on CBT and I have printed out lots of information on the internet. I also use postive affirmations and keep a gratitude journal.
Therapy made me feel worse and I would always come away feeling worse than when I went it. I havent had great experiences with past therapists (maybe that's where my hostility and my inability to trust them comes from) and I feel more empowered for doing it myself. It does take time but if you are getting frustrated and feel like you are not getting anywhere you have to ask is it really worth it? Take the time you would have spent going to therapy to do something you enjoy or take some exericse (which studies have proven to be just as effective as anti depressents)

28-11-12, 10:13
Well I did say I don't like coffee :P

It just seems like now she's on the chill down for Christmas regardless of that it still is only November! I'm hoping she will be able to come twice before the Xmas break, but seems like fortnightly appointment!

I'm quite anxious about the New Year already, does she expect me just to be able to go for coffee with her when I haven't left the house at all since February?!

I do try and exercise with a dvd I have and doing housework always makes me feel good. (Apart from yesterday when the hoover attacked me and I now have a dodgy knee)

I guess I can help myself more like you hellybelly by printing off some information and trying to help myself. I have an agoraphobia work boot, but I haven't really got on with it!

28-11-12, 19:52
Bless you, I didnt realise you had agoraphobia. :hugs:Fortnightly appointments really dont sound like they are working for you. Is your therapist on the NHS or private?

28-11-12, 19:55
Starmist, have you tried an online CBT course?

CBT4PANIC is great (link in my signature) it has helped so many NMP members, including me.

The author (Robin, "robinhall" on here) can give you support and tips etc via email if you need it. It really feels like having your own therapist - because you do! lol

Try it!! :) you won't be disappointed x

edit to add - Robin had agoraphobia himself and recovered, so he knows his onions

29-11-12, 10:34
hellybelly- Unfortunately yes my appointments are on the NHS. I've had no end of trouble trying to just get seen by anyone. Due to the long waiting lists. I saw a therapist who just did talking therapy, I just found him to be putting words into my mouth about the reason why I suddenly became like I am. He referred me back to the Dr who didn't do anything else and had to go further myself and find out another appointment!
I understand she has lots of people to see, but I think she needs that time to get round everyone else as well..

potato - I haven't tried an online course yet, but it's something someone else has recommended it to me and it is something I'm going to try. Especially now after I'm not sure how often i'll be seeing my councillor and how unreliable she can be!

Thank you both x

29-11-12, 15:58
I can fully sympatheise, i never even got offered therapy on the nhs because I wasnt deemed 'severe' enough and they recommended I took an anti-psychotic instead which I point blankly refused. My local mental health team are beyond useless. I used to have private medical health care and had a couple of months in a 'priory type' of hospital when I had my second breakdown. You get treated as a human being when you go private but its unfortuante I can no longer afford this option. I can totally understand how difficut it is just to get through the door to actually see someone on the NHS so I can appreciate that you probably dont want to rock the boat. Having said that you need someone you an trust and who is of course realiable ( the most 2 important qualities in a therapist). Like I said I found therapy wasnt for me and it might be the same for you as well. I think its a good idea about the online course as potato suggested. The charity No panic I have heard do an excellent telephone course that lots of people have sweared by. Much luck hunny and keep us posted. xxx