View Full Version : What are the chances of my family catching the Norovirus?

26-11-12, 15:48
Hi everyone,

I'm constantly worried about me or my parents, especially my parents, picking up the Norovirus. I hear that it's affected a school in London now, and my hometown is close by to London, so I'm panicing.

Anyway, no one in my family works, (due to illnesses) and the only time they go out is if they are to do some shopping, or goes out for a walk. No one visits our house nor do we visit other people's houseses, so that also decreases the risk but I'm just SO scared still... :weep:

I'm constantly washing my hands, (at least 20 times a day) and still convinced I'm going to go down with it eventually. My parents have started washing their hands every time they get back now, but not enough. They would wash their hands for a few seconds and that's it.

I just don't know what to do... This fear of vomiting and the Norovirus is affecting my life so much. I just wish it would go away so I can lead a non-anxiety life. :weep:

But anyways, what are my chances of catching it? Even if it does (will..) gets to my area eventually?


26-11-12, 16:10
I am not sure there is an answer to this to be honest.

I was in hospital once that had an outbreak of norovirus and I never got it so you just don't don't know who will get it.

I would suggest, however, you look into some therapy for the underlying fear which is clearly ruining your life far more than getting the virus would. Those issues need addressing.

26-11-12, 16:32
Thanks Nocola. :)

I am still in the process of having CBT, but it takes a while to be seen these days.

26-11-12, 16:55
Not greatly high if you are otherwise fit and healthy i work in the NHS for the past 12 years and every year we get one two or three outbreaks with the elderly on the wards and i have yet to catch it,despite going into rooms with people who do have it.

Its possible that anybody could get it but if you take precautions ie wash your hands and look after yourself its a very low risk.

I would not worry too much if i were you.All the best.


26-11-12, 17:04
Population of the UK in 2011: 62,641,000
Cases of Norovirus in 2011: 7082

Statistically then, your percentage chance of getting the Norovirus based on last year's figures is 0.01%

As Nicola said, your best course of action is to address those basic fears which are limiting your life and making you pre-occupied with Norovirus. Instead of asking yourself "what if I get the norovirus?" try asking yourself either "what if I don't?" or "what's the worst that would happen if I did?" The likelihood is that your body would respond in its natural way - making you sick until it had ejected the virus - then you would heal. Whilst I appreciate (as an emetophobe) that it would be very unpleasant, and frightening even, it wouldn't cause you any lasting problems. Your fears and anxiety on the other hand, if left un-addressed, could lead to a much more sustained period of life-limiting illness.

26-11-12, 17:17
Hiya Richard, thank you for the reply.

Looking online for news on this virus isn't a good idea, I'll stop doing that.
Do you think the media likes to exaggerate on this a little bit? I heard 2010 was a bad year for the Norovirus too, but I didn't hear of anyone getting it. Thankfully, no one in my family, including me has had the Norovirus for 8 years now. I was the one who kept bringing it home. :rolleyes:

---------- Post added at 17:17 ---------- Previous post was at 17:09 ----------

Hiya Elle, that post made me feel better, so thank you for that. :)

I haven't vomited in years, so I cannot remember how it felt exactly, but I did know it was extremely unpleasant. I actually wouldn't mind if it was vomiting a few times with this virus, but not 30 so times. Ugh.

26-11-12, 17:23
Hiya Richard, thank you for the reply.

Looking online for news on this virus isn't a good idea, I'll stop doing that.
Do you think the media likes to exaggerate on this a little bit? I heard 2010 was a bad year for the Norovirus too, but I didn't hear of anyone getting it. Thankfully, no one in my family, including me has had the Norovirus for 8 years now. I was the one who kept bringing it home. :rolleyes:

---------- Post added at 17:17 ---------- Previous post was at 17:09 ----------

Hiya Elle, that post made me feel better, so thank you for that. :)

I haven't vomited in years, so I cannot remember how it felt exactly, but I did know it was extremely unpleasant. I actually wouldn't mind if it was vomiting a few times with this virus, but not 30 so times. Ugh.


2010 was pretty bad for norivirus on our wards.

But last year there was only one outbreak on a single ward.!

It possibly goes in areas but i would not worry too much just wash your hands properly to get rid of the germs,they could be airborne also but you have to be very unlucky to actually catch it.

As i say 12 years in the NHS and i never have,hope you are reassured by that.

Yes the media likes to exaggerate plus do not look it up on google Dr Google is the worst thing possible to diagnose your fears.naughty naughty.:winks:

Richard. x

27-11-12, 17:15
RLS1994 - I completely sympathise for you. I have a phobia of being sick and have for about 20 years.

I do not leave the house very often due to a number of reasons, but I live with my boyfriend who works two jobs and I am frightened he will come into contact with someone who has a virus. I honestly do not know how I would cope if he came down with the norovirus.

I wouldn't be so worried if I was sick a couple of times, but it's the thought of constantly being sick which frightens me, like you said. Even thinking about it makes me feel sick.

I actually had CBT for this phobia back in 2007, and it did help address some of the issues I had. I was carrying around anti-emetics and popping them like smarties, as well as carrying around a bag in case I was caught out and needed to be sick. I do not do these now, and haven't taken an anti-emetic in nearly three years.

Whenever I read someone on my Facebook who has got it, I instantly fear for the worse, even if that person is miles away from me! It's not realistic, and I have to keep telling myself that.

I have no practical solutions other than to read the previous posts which highlights the small likelihood of getting it. It is over emphasised in the press, like many illnesses.

If you want to talk about it privately, please feel free to PM me. I have lived with this for a long time, so if I can be of any help in any way, let me know.

28-11-12, 00:55
Hi missybct!

Ah, I feel for you! I, too, would be anxious pretty much all the time if anyone in my family was working, as that nasty virus always spreads like wildfire in those sort of places this time of year. It's a shame there is not much we can do about it except washing our hands often and keeping away from sick people.

But yes, I also start panicing whenever I hear someone updating their Facebook status saying they've been sick. Most people I've added live in the same hometown as me though.

In my life, I must have only had this Norovirus 4/5 times, and all were picked up from school, by me, lol. :rolleyes: But since I don't work, go to college or anything anymore AND I always use my sleeve to open public handles and stuff, I guess I should just stop worrying.

I will make sure to PM you tomorrow when I'm on next. :)

30-12-12, 23:08
You know what? I'm also frightened of catching the Norovirus.
This is what I would reccomend:
Norovirus is spread by infected hands and surfaces,
if you go around disinfecting your sufaces with sanatiser and washing your hands after you touch door handles, touching tables etc it would really reduce your chances of catching it.
Trust me buddy, Ive been doing this and even know my family has I havnt caught norovirus since late 2010.
I'm hoping to keep it up. We can be Noro buddys! Lol
if you want to talk to me, as I'm suffering just like you, add me on skype: wacky.werdo127 I'm online everyday and we can chat about our phobia :)
Hope this made you feel a bit better and given you a bit more confidence,

30-12-12, 23:16
Hi MacMan and welcome to the forum! :happy:

Haha, I never EVER touch anything that the public touch anyways but I still wash my hands a lot when I get back from shopping with my Mum just in case.

I hate how I never used to fear catching it when I was below the age of 10 but after that I can't stand it. :( I only realised I had this phobia in August this year, yet I've been afraid of being sick since I was 10. I thought I just hated being sick and that's it, never thought it was a phobia or anything.

31-12-12, 00:46
Am in this emet group to it totally ruins ur life I'd do anything to stop it! Y can I be afraid of spiders etc ???? That wud make life much easier

31-12-12, 01:00
I know what you mean honeyp1e! I also would have another phobia over this one anyday. Especially of spiders like you mentioned. This horrid phobia is depressing me. :/

31-12-12, 10:30
Am in this emet group to it totally ruins ur life I'd do anything to stop it! Y can I be afraid of spiders etc ???? That wud make life much easier

Oh my goodness do you know how many times I havr thought this. Literally in my head made lists of things, bargained with a highr being to make me sscared of something else, something ican choose to avoid like snakes for example.

Deep down though i know that ANY real phobia is just as debilitating as ours whatever it is!

31-12-12, 13:05
I agree with Richard-not very likely that you or anyone in your family will come down with it. Even mixing with people on a regular basis does not mean that you are at high risk-as long as you wash your hands and remain sanitary, then the actual risk is quite small. It's the worst for elderly people who get stuck on hospital wards with it, as they can't go out...About 18 months ago my nan was in hospital for 4 months and we couldn't visit her, because they had shut the wards for about a fortnight due to a stomach bug virus. I was really angry, as it meant a lot to me to see my nan (she was 99) and I felt really sorry for her, as she was already unwell, but despite being stuck in the thick of it, my good old nan didn't get it! Now that's gotta mean something. I really believe you will be ok. :) It's horrid hearing about this stupid virus and I too wish people would pipe down about it-but we have the power of ignoring them. :)

01-01-13, 18:11
Hi Iced_Diamond, thank you for the reassuring post as usual. :happy: Sorry to hear that you couldn't see your Nan! That's awful. I'm glad she didn't get the virus. I hope that since everyone has had holidays, that it's died down a little more now. But ugh, we still have two more months of winter and avoiding yet.. :(