View Full Version : Feeling very weird today..

26-11-12, 17:04
I've had a cold for the last few days, and it's the first time I've been unwell since I came off Citalopram, nearly 2 months ago. I was on 60mg for 4 years, tapered down over 3 monthly intervals.

I was at work on Thursday, and got a fever and a bit dizzy and it made me panic and shaky, but passed. The next morning i woke up with a cough/cold and put it down to that. I was fine the rest of the day and that night, and pretty much all of Saturday. Yesterday evening I got a bit dizzy and hot/sweaty (fever again i think) and I felt so, so panicky. I haven't had a massive PA for a very long time (at least a year, which feels like forever) but I had all the pre-emptive symptoms of one, with a cold chest/hot chest, nausea, headrushing etc. Although i now think that was the actual panic attack and I probably just don't have them as bad as I used to. I felt awful, and was being irrational, thinking I would wake up today and go to the GP and go straight back on meds etc, only to feel fine today..up until now.
I've just gone upstairs and checked my work rota, and as I stood up I felt dizzy and now I feel like I'm clammy and cold and leading up to how I was last night. generall,y the cold has eased but i still have a cough and feel really fatigued and sleepy.

I know it's probably anxiety combined with feeling under the weather, and I am having moments of total clarity, like this...but then it takes hold and I feel completely frozen and glued to my chair, too scared to move. I used to be so good at daring myself to do things and getting out of this, I seem to have forgotten what I'm doing as I haven't had a big PA in so long :/ I don't really want to go back on meds as I think I can do without, and the thought of going back onto them is also worrying me :weep: