View Full Version : Yoga

19-08-06, 21:55
I finally talked myself into going to Yoga on Friday. Looking back at it it does seem like a wierd thing to do- sitting in a room with two women bending and stretching in different ways!!

It was actually pretty interesting. We started by lying in the dark for a few mins relaxing, then we did some breathing exercises and then loads of stretches- perfect exactly what I need to calm me down and relieve all the stress and tension from my body.

I need feel a bit funny going there, but I know that my muscles are really tight and full of tension and this is the perfect way to resolve it.

Plus, I get free membership to the gym cos I volunteer there, so the classes are free! Plus, it helps me to fill up my mornings before work so that I don't sit at home on the computer so much!

I just hope that I keep it up.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

19-08-06, 22:19
Well done !!!

I love yoga and after a few more sessions I bet you will be able to feel the tension pulling out of those muscles! :D

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

polly daydream
19-08-06, 23:55
Yes I too love yoga, it is defo a stress reliever. Glad you enjoyed it.

Take care,


20-08-06, 08:48
Glad you enjoyed the yoga! I've a yoga DVD sat on the shelf, maybe its time to dust it off and give it a go!
love Helen

20-08-06, 09:54
I am a Yoga fan too. I have been going for 2 years now, and it does get easier. Have you tried Tai Chi? I started only a few weeks ago and it is soooo relaxing. The class I go to is for the 'Over 50s' men as well as women. It is a morning class so you get that feeling of calm for the rest of the day.

Jenny xxxx

20-08-06, 09:55
Same as Helen, I brought a DVD and book a few weeks ago, but not realy done much with it. But after reading your positive post, I'll also give it ago.


"today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday and all is well"