View Full Version : Citalopram and Valium life?

26-11-12, 21:14
Hi guys basically I have been taking 10mg citalopram and 5mg Valium for two days only! So I have taken 2 doses of citalopram and 5 doses of Valium! I've stopped both tablets just after 2 days by order of my dr and I stopped them yesterday! I didn't take my citalopram and only took one Valium! I didn't take my night time Valium! Does anyone know how long after I stop them the effects of the pills are out of your system because I still feel very drowsy! And in well from them although I do feel slightly better?

Thank u and hope someone can help x

26-11-12, 21:22
Everyone is different, but I cant imagine it taking too long. Citalopram has a 'half life' of about 30-36 hours... so, after your first 36 hours of not taking it, you would half half the amount still in your system..then half of that..so on. It has quite a long half life but with such a small dosage I can't imagine it would affect you for long.

Im not clued up much on Valium though I'm afriad!

27-11-12, 01:15
i really hope this wears off because i am constantly panicking inside and i tried to go out for some fresh air earlier and had another panic attack....i eventually got out and felt better whilst i was out but as soon as i came into home again i started to freak out, and feel spaced out, not real and panic again...but like i say i have knocked them on the head and hopefully ill start to feel normal again.