View Full Version : HOME finally/Majpr PA's

19-08-06, 23:35
Hi to all.

It took 22hrs to get home, numerous flights (and a few alcoholic drinks). Security was endless (especially in Paris). Had to be frisked/ thence a metal detector put on us each. I was absolutely in a unreal world, but my goal was getting home. I thought at home would be the peace I could seek. That is far from the truth, my daughter had altered iobjects etc at home and I did not know/where to how to find them.

When I said I was in recovery from anorexia that was true. Having said that "anyone" can eat, it is the putting on weight and finding clothes that do not fit anymore a mind blowing event. I need professional support (to alter my beliefs etc. I dont know how long that will take.

I am far from recovery from anorexia, tranquilliser addiction, my self-esteem, confidence has been hit big time.

My husband does not understand this, it is like "well we will buy bigger clothes/jumpers etc". It is not that simple.

I fail to understand the NHS and NICE guidelines. A person can be bulimic. Anorexia has a different stance, if you are serously under the BMI scale they think you are OK and doing well. As far as I am concerned it ought not matter about number nor size. It is what is going on inside your head thast counts.

A minute does not go by when I think I am far too fat, ugly, useless etc.

I am going to (finally, say to my doctor, I cant live like this any more). He is a GP (and he is nice) but he is not well informed about anorexia, panic attacks etc.

I will take my next husband with me next week as I clam up at the surgery and fail to emphasise my needs. My husband will certainly tell my GP that what he has recommended is not working.

I wiah at this moment in timw I did not have the responsibility of an 188yr old pregnant daugher nor a 10yr old son. I hate them seeing me like this.

Any suggestions on my posts would be truly received.

Take care of yourself and each other.


I try my best to act "normal" with our young son. However, I cannot go on this way anymore. I would rather not be in this world than be responsible for an 18yr pregnant daughter, a 10yr old son and last, but not least, a husband who wont stand me long term in this way. (

I will carry on with posts, members have given me what I needed in the USA. Finally I am back at my home and that is where I want to build up my confidence/self-esteem/confidence etc.

I feel like I am going mad and that family do not need me this way. I have to believe there is a better life out there but it seems a million mles away.

20-08-06, 02:18
Good for you, you made it home!
Personally I would ask for a referral from your GP for a psychiatrist or a psychologist, especially someone who specializes in panic disorder and eating disorders. That's what I had to do to get better. When I first started seeing my psychiatrist back in 1995 it was like a huge weight had been lifted because she knew so much about panic disorder, depression, and all the latest treatment methods. Good luck to you. You can do this!


20-08-06, 05:34
Fran, don't want you to feel that way.
Just try small steps and build on recovery.
You have caring friends and your Family needs you.

Dave x

20-08-06, 08:06
Hi Fran, welecome home and well done.

I agree with Dave with the baby steps theory. Little and often - be proud in the little achievements and hopefully they will soon become big achievements.

Take care

Clare :)

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your mind off your goals.

20-08-06, 15:19
hi fran

well done for getting home

you are going through so much you poor thing i think you sound like you are ready to get help and finaly start living life as you want to your family will have to stand by you and help you and im sure you will get that life that you want in the end .
good luck to you i hope all gose well for you

jodie x

20-08-06, 17:40
hi fran

i agree with tammy you need specialized help and then you can start the procss of sorting your head out because the weight gain is all people focus on and think you're getting better but its whats going on in your head that you need help with, thats what a friend of mine said to me once and he's a lot better now


don't walk in front, i may not follow. don't walk behind, i may not lead
just walk beside me.

21-08-06, 13:59
Hi Fran and welcome home!!! Im sure you can overcome the problems you have got after what you have just achieved!!! I think you are amazing all those flights and theme parks!!! take care of yourself luv kazx