View Full Version : Please help I'm really struggling!?

27-11-12, 00:21
As you may see from my other posts I had a panic attack Thursday night / early hours of Friday morning! It was the worst I've had and it was my first one in public! The next day I felt so ill! I wanted to sleep! Nothing seemed real! I just seemed like I was watching tv even when I was talking to my partner so that night (Friday/Saturday early hours) I went to pick up my first dose of citalopram and took one around 3am Saturday morning! I got home and I was having all sorts of thoughts about suicide so I rang an ambulance whom took me in! There I was given 5mg diazepam (Valium) and discharged just a couple hours later! That first diazepam felt great! I went to sleep around 7am Saturday morning and woke up later that day feeling much worse! Felt again like I wasn't here I was trying to be sick but couldn't as I hadn't eaten for 2 days which is unheard of for me as I love my food! So I toon my Valium as instructed 1-3times a day and later that night took my second citalopram! But once again I was having crazy thoughts! And this time the Valium just wasn't helping I was still out of it didn't seem real like I was in a dream! Still trying to be sick and even though I've eaten still nothing! I went too see my dr and he told me to come off the citalopram instantly! I just want to know when all this is going to stop! This dream like state! Just wanting to sleep! I can't take much more of it!

27-11-12, 02:10
Hi Kieran,
I kno how you feel
It is terrible state, your mind goes into overdrive.
I have the same thing with food and sickness. I lost 1 size in less that 2 weeks.
Everything seems unreal, like you said as if you watching tv.
Can you try only try for a moment to tell yourself and draw the line where is you and where is anxiety?
If you try hard and believe that it is not your true emotions but anxiety, it should let it go at least for a split second, and you will feel yourself at this moment. It will stop believe it, with or without tablets. I fell exactly what you feel.
You can message me any time.
You are not alone

28-11-12, 07:20
I no how you feel. Go to the site panicend.com, it's free and helped me so much. They even have a whole page dedicated to depersonalization (unreality)

28-11-12, 13:34
Hi hon.

I'm so sorry you are suffering so badly at the moment. Sometimes anti-depressants can cause heightened senses in the first weeks of taking them which is very scary. Depersonalization is a very common symptom of anxiety, so please do not feel alone. Is your partner helpful or able to calm you down during these periods? I find when I am feeling at my absolute worst, a quick phone call to someone I know well can help. I often ask them to recall a memory we have together so I can remember that I am here and I have done those things.

Means of distraction help me too - it's not a cure but to watch a film (a gentle one, without too much drama - something like a comedy), reading a book, listening to music or going for a walk can sometimes work. If I am feeling very bad I tend to absorb myself in forums or Facebook where I can chat to people and concentrate on them, rather than me. Sometimes helping others makes you realise you are not alone.

We are always here to help. Have you got another doctors appointment booked?

Also, about the eating. I know you feel sick and that is normal - I'm terrible at eating and have lost a lot of weight since my latest relapse. But I find something to pick at, whether it be nuts, bread, fruit. If you are absolutely unable to eat anything, there are drinks on the market (Boots, if you're in the UK) that are meal shakes which give you the nutrients you need. It's worth noting that if you are not eating, some of the symptoms will be more profound.

I hope some of that has helped.

29-11-12, 11:10

My name is Lionel and I have been suffering from panic attacks for about a year already. I was in a road accident and started getting panic attacks almost immediately after. I have always been scared of taking medication, as my family has tendency to take medication, and some of them have gotten addicted to their pills.

I went to the psychiatrist and he prescribed me to take Citalopram. I went to buy the medicine but I was having doubts whether to take it or not. I was searching the medication online and I found this amazing website that gives you recommendations written by real patients like you and me. I was impressed at how much information they had.


I hope it helps you as much as it helped me. :yahoo: