View Full Version : depersonlization

27-11-12, 08:55
Hiya I have anxiety and panic attacks and depression but the manin thing that worries me is the depersonlization and derealization I feel so disconnected .is it actually an abxiety sypmtom as I feel like it constantly prettuy much and I'm scared it could be an actual disorder .any advice or support would be great x

27-11-12, 09:31
Hi lashes,
Prolonged or extreme anxiety gives this symptom to me all the time, sometimes i look at my hands and they dont feel mine.
It is a weird feeling because you cant run away from it.
The only thing you can do is "sit on it " and ride it out or exaust it. If you just observe it then after some time it will subside... You will get this effect 100%, no doubt.
Just face it - say smth like ok - i have depersonalisation now - thats great - now i will just have to wait for it to go away. And you will see that as soon as you aknowledge the presense of this symptom - after some time you will get your normal feeling of reality.
You can do the same with any other symptom.

27-11-12, 10:29
I identify with this more than you can know! I often have a horrible sense that I am not here, I'm not real. That what I am doing isn't happening, that sort of thing. I agree with Thumbalina, the only thing that works for me is talking to myself, or trying to remember memories (good ones) that remind me that I am really here.

It's one of my worst heightened anxiety symptoms, so I fully sympathise.

27-11-12, 14:45
thanks for the advice! i think because it scares me i feel it more but when im busy i dnt notice it as much il try that next time instead of gettin scared :)

27-11-12, 23:03
I think it's quite common for those who suffer from anxiety. :hugs:

I've had it for years and didn't know what on earth it was. Now I know ... and understand it's just another symptom of anxiety it doesn't freak me out quite as much. It's a very strange feeling. I'm more intrigued by it now if anything. I just try to 'go with it'. Admittedly though it only lasts for very short spells. I don't know if I'd be quite so chilled if it lasted any length of time. And I'm certainly not quite as 'relaxed' about other anxiety related symptoms I experience. The mind is a weird and wonderful thing. [In my case mainly weird. :wink:]