View Full Version : Hey I'm a newbie

27-11-12, 12:53
Hello everyone I'm new to this site, found it when looking up about side effects of fluoxetine!
I was on citralapram until last week when I went to see my nurse after having a relapse and feeling really low again.
She suggested trying a new tablet so changed me to fluoxetine 20mg. I read the side effects and she did say to me about having side effects from it. But I really didn't expect too much!
And it wasn't until I came on here I realised it was the tablets and not just me going crazy!
I'm having severe nightmares, that really scare me, sweating a lot day and night. Really bad wind and diahorrea, stomach aches/bloating. Feeling anxious but that was normal anyway!
I've also started a new relationship. And sexual issues I'm worried will affect things. I had the same problem on citralapram and worried it won't change with this either!
When do the side effects start to subside. I've only been on them 4 days!