View Full Version : MS Fears, numbness & tingling

27-11-12, 14:16
Hi Guys

Thought I was feeling a bit better, but alas no... HA back yet again, or at least I kind of hope it is and not MS....

Went out on Saturday night and had a few glasses of wine. Woke up on Sunday morning with a mild hangover and suddenly noticed the tingling in my forearms and hands again. I suffered with tingling in my arms & legs and general weakness whilst on holiday in Spain back in August. This lasted approx 2-3 weeks and then gradually disappeared. I saw my doctor who was unsure what it was and referred me to a neurologist.

Well, as the symptoms disappeared, I didn't give it another thought until last weekend when the symptoms came back!!!

I was thinking about cancelling the appointment with the neurologist which is on the 10th December, but am so relieved that I didn't. Otherwise I would be in a worse state.

I am getting tingling in my arms, hands, lower legs and feet and sometimes lips. I feel a bit weaker than usual. I do wonder though if I make all of these symptoms worse. I always seem to dwell on the worst and think about my symptoms all the time...

I am so worried about MS.. I read that you have relapses, so could this be a relapse I am experiencing now? I am not having any eye problems or any other symptoms, just the tingling.

I am so sick of worrying all the time.

Can anyone help to reassure me? Does MS show up in a blood test?

Hope someone can help...


Stands mum
27-11-12, 17:04
Hi - sorry you are feeling so bad. I don't have any advice but I do know how you feel. I have also been experiencing neurological symptoms since the summer and I know how frightening it is.

27-11-12, 23:48
Anxiety fuels the fear of things. You feel tingling and such, but it can also be a symptom of a whole range of things including trapped nerves. Drinking inflames nerves and it can exacerbate tingling. Also, do you have a history of MS in the family? No? If not then your chances are much slimmer of getting the disease.

The more you focus on your symptoms, the worse you'll get. MS is a progressive disease and if you were 'relapsing' you'd know. You most likely are suffering from high anxiety with possible trapped nerves. MS is a unlikely possibility. Go to your doctors - NOT OUT OF NECESSITY - but to be reassured. MS is very noticable and can be diagnosed by a professional who knows what they are doing. There is 99% chance of this being something completely treatable and benign. Don't worry.


harrys mummy
28-11-12, 16:31
Hi hun, I know exactly how your feeling!! I'm sure your seen from other posts of mine my issues lately!! Its horrid, I'm really glad you didn't cancel your appointment, we're all the ame, how can this be!! How can we all make these feelings happen to ourselves or so we are told to believe!! I've got pain in the left wrist and arm now like I've bandged hard on the bone and clicky ankles!!! What's all that about!!!! Why can't be happy like everyone else and start getting into the christmasd spirit!!!! Xxxxbig hugs xxxx

---------- Post added at 16:31 ---------- Previous post was at 16:29 ----------

Sorry for the spelling errors I'm using my phone and can't check before I submit!!!! Xx

28-11-12, 17:49
Hi. Anxiety and stress can cause you to tense up so much it causes you to trap nerves and bone wear and tear. This results in numbness and pins and needles in areas. Shooting pains up and down spine and arms.
Specialists know what they are doing and scans will generally show what is happening. Try not to self diagnose. Easier said than done I know.
Even if it is ms it is not the end of the world. My girlfriend has ms. Diagnosed 7 years ago via scans, lumbar punctures etc. lesions showing on brain and spine. She still works full time and enjoys life as well has taking meds

29-11-12, 12:09
Thank you all so much for your replies... you really do help me.

Am still feeling awful and worrying so much. I wake up every morning and immediately subconsciously check myself and then feel the tingling and numbness and then get that anxiety dread feeling of 'here we go again!'...

My co-ordination seems a bit strange as well and I feel as if I am checking and analysing my every movement. I went to Netball club last night and managed to run about with everyone else, but thought that my vision was going a bit strange in one eye! Now, did I imagine that because I was googling ms symptoms???? sight seems okay again today.

I keep getting a cold feeling in my arms and legs and feel very odd.

I am really worried about my neuro appt on 10 Dec. What is he says I need an MRI or something? I am scared about having xrays and scans because of the radiation. I have already had unnecessary scans for other symptoms in the past which showed nothing. I do worry that scans can cause cancer....

I am 38 years old... is that old to be diagnosed with MS?

I didnt' actually feel anxious when I first noticed the tingling last weekend, so why am I getting these horrible feelings?

Just wish it would all bloody go away!

Is anyone out there who can reassure me..... Feeling so rubbish XXXX

29-11-12, 12:31
HI Melon,

I can relate to you, I am in the middle of a panic episode at the moment.
getting random burning pains in legs or toes or hands face, and my face feels odd on one side like its getting little tingles then pressures. my doctor said it is anxiety, i have had random symptoms every time I get a panic episode. I felt my panic coming on this year, all of a sudden felt odd every day and then the symptoms came, a little tingle here or there then a massive panic surged over me when i read an article about someone with ms in the daily mail (such a bad thing to do when you have health anxiety i know)

i think what we have to think is, if we rationalise and think about it then the signs of ms are usually blind in one eye not a little weird feeling in your eye, or blurred vision which if you got checked out would show something, with anxiety sufferers it ends up being fine. or one day you wake up and your legs are numb and you cant walk, or you cant grip a cup at all, or you full arm is numb to touch for a long time with no explanation. i could go on but think this might be enough. have you read the ms thread at the top. thats good.

i know how your feeling as i feel the same and i have a neuro app next week (5th) dec, only because i made the doctor refer me, privately, as he couldnt do it if not as he said my symptoms did not sanction it. i am 6 months pregnant and have a 4 year old little girl, and this week i am having to get by each hour without having full blown panic symptoms, i am usually a strong person. i came off tablets 8 weeks ago so maybe i need to go back on them, you ought to try manage the health anxiety side too and the symptoms might diminish.

good luck

meg x

29-11-12, 13:19
Meg. I do feel for you being pregnant. I didn't start suffering with HA until after my 2nd daughter was born. They are 7 & 4. It is so hard to function as a happy family with all this worry, but we do somehow! From the outside I am happy, chatty etc on the inside I am a mess. I am always convinced that I have something terminal snd overthink Big Time!

My mum is a worrier so I guess I get this from her? These sensations I get are so real and I didn't start getting them while I was anxious. Of course I am anxious now! Maybe I have made them worse.

What scares me is that I had these feelings back end of aug.

Hope your appt with neuro goes ok. If your doc didn't refer you on the nhs then he must medically think you are fine. Mine referred me so I am scared.

Will think of you. Xxx

29-11-12, 13:42
Sorry if I come across blunt but why are you glad you didnt cancel your appointment? So you can confirm you have something to worry about? There is no cure for MS. Id prefer to blame anxiety. Btw I also have all the symtoms the others have. And more! It's anxiety at its best.. Best way to tell, take a small dose of zanax, it will relax you! Not sure if it alleviates MS symtoms! Zanax can be used as needed. I have an emergency pack that I've literally used half a 250microgram tablet in the year I've had them.

Stands mum
29-11-12, 13:52
Having just seen the neuro yesterday, I can say there is nothing to be afraid of. I was so, so nervous but he was able to reassure me pretty quickly after listening to my symptoms and then carrying out a neuro examination (eyes, strength, reflexes etc). My symptoms are also tingling and numbness and he said to me "it's unlikely to be MS". He said that although we read a lot about MS in the media, it is actually fairly rare.

My anxiety has come on following the birth of my second child. Being a mum really highlights your sense of responsibility, and mortality.


04-12-12, 14:09
Hi... again. thanks for all your replies. I have been so busy over the weekend today is the first chance to catch up.

So, tingles and numbness is still with me and it's driving me mad with worry and the fact that it just wont' go away!

I can still walk okay and even managed a run on Sunday, but my right calf and both arms which radiates into my shoulders are affected with this tingling and numbness. I am finding it hard to type with my left hand.

I am so worried this is MS.

I am not over breathing and don't feel that anxious, so this is making me worry that it is not anxiety.

Can symptoms from anxiety take weeks to go? I have now had these feelings for 9 days and they seem to be getting more intense.

I have my neuro appt on Monday which I have been waiting for for 3 months!

I feel awful...... sorry to sound so miserable. Does anyone have any encouraging words? XX

04-12-12, 20:31
Anyone? I know I keep going on but am so worried

04-12-12, 22:26
My dr told me it can take weeks of feeling "normal" for all symptoms to disappear as its taken a while for your body to get to this pont. Just try and keep rational. Think positive. Hard as I well know. Good luck

05-12-12, 03:30

I have a bit of experience with MS. My ex has ms and I was his carer for 2 years after he was diagnosed.

It's a really unpleasant illness to have but don't worry as chances are you don't have it. Many minor things can cause what you're experiencing from hyperventilating to a trapped nerve.

I know it's hard but try and relax and wait to see what the neurologist says.
Hope it all goes well xx