View Full Version : IM BACK! :)

27-11-12, 15:03
hey guys! some of you may remember me others may not i am bluesparkles son and last year i ran a half marathon raising money for this site too keep it running and now i am back with a new venture fund raising mission

so here is the plan, as a musician music has been a huge part of my life for as long as i can remember and i think its about time i do something with it, so i am in the midst of recording a cd tittled "doing it my way" covering some of the swing classics by sinatra, dean and many more once done the cd will be available to buy and we will post it out to you on cd (hopefully will also be available via download on itunes) ALL money raised will be donated to NMP to help with the up keep of the website i will start a thread to keep you all updates on the works of the cd and hope you will all follow and then buy :) thank in advanced


27-11-12, 15:15
Hi Tom and lovely to see you back here again.

I look forward to hearing the CD - fab - well done on that.

27-11-12, 15:28
I would love to hear your music and be able to give a little back to NMP.
Let us know when it's out.:yesyes:

27-11-12, 15:58
thanks guys hopefully just after xmas but definately the very start of the new year