View Full Version : went back to work today....

27-11-12, 16:33
And got sent home because my doctor signed me off for a week longer than I asked for!!
Luckily I have seen the funny side of it! And on the plus side I actually went back!!!

27-11-12, 16:50
Well done Joseph, you are eager!

27-11-12, 16:51
Well done for getting there :D

27-11-12, 17:42
I should really have said the doctor signed me off for a week longer than we discussed, it was a mistake!! I didn't complain too much when I got sent home mind!!

27-11-12, 19:07
I should really have said the doctor signed me off for a week longer than we discussed, it was a mistake!! I didn't complain too much when I got sent home mind!!

I bet you didn't...enjoy your extra week :)

27-11-12, 19:46
Better to be a week early than a week late. Enjoy.

27-11-12, 20:23
Yeah spot on! I'm getting a 'fit note' in the morning and I'll go back again!!

oh no_1
27-11-12, 20:40
how long was you off work for?

27-11-12, 21:20
well done

27-11-12, 23:19
Well done mate. I've been back at work for the last two weeks after being off for 3 months. It's hard at times but I think Im getting back into the swing of things as being at home dwelling on things is no help.

28-11-12, 07:47
Iv been off for 4 weeks although I did go back for a week in the middle, so 2x2 weeks!