View Full Version : Neuro appointment tomorrow

Stands mum
27-11-12, 17:19
Hi all

Tomorrow is my appointment with the neurologist. I feel scared. I realise that this could be the 'point of no return' when it all goes from being in my head to there actually being something wring with me. Does anyone know what I mean?

I keep imagining feeling relieved when he tells me I'm probably fine, but stopping myself as I just don't believe that's what's going to happen - I think he's going to find something in a reflex or strength test or something that is going to tell him there is something wrong and that will be it, in a few moments my life will be turned upside down.

At least my appointment is early so I won't be waiting around all day.

27-11-12, 17:27
Hey stands mum,

Well as you've already read my post you'll know how I felt before I went for my mri.

I would have bet my house on the mri showing something abnormal up!

The mind is powerful as I'm beginning to learn and our sub conscious can lend itself for us believe our worst fears.

Smile and be positive and I'm sure the appointment will go just fine :)

28-11-12, 12:33
How did your appointment go?

Stands mum
28-11-12, 19:08
Thanks for asking. It went well I think, he said "it's not MND" as though he was surprised I was even considering it, and also said, and wrote in the notes "MS unlikely". He thinks most likely explanation is that I have two separate nerve issues that happen to be aggravated at the same time (most likely from pregnancy and carrying my baby around subsequently). He's referring me for some nerve conduction tests to find out more.

Next step, speak to my GP about the anxiety I have experienced and how to get that under control as I have basically spent about three months of my six month old baby's life feeling anxious and not fully in the present with him, which makes me feel very sad.

I need to look forward to Christmas now and enjoying our first one as a family of four. :)

29-11-12, 11:28
Hi Standsmum, It is my turn to support you now. You know I know what fear is and I fully understand what you are going through, but believe the experts when they tell you it's fine. I like you worry about something that probably isn't there because we are so good at convincing ourselves that it is. I don't know wehat the answer is only the best thing we can do is ask and ask the professionals until eventually we convince ourselves it will be fine. It is such a shame that you can't fully enjoy your new baby and all I can ask you to do is try to accept that these experts are not telling you any lies. My thoughts are with you and thank you for your support to me this week. x