View Full Version : Can't be something neuroligcal..can it?

27-11-12, 18:11
Hey guys good news is that my anxiety been so well for 3-4 weeks :) bad news is that my negative thoughts are starting up again.. :(

Recently my tinnitus/ear ringing has gotten really worse! I'm not sure if it has gotten worse, or i'm just noticing it. Its normal tinnitus I don't notice it when i'm busy, only when i'm not doing something I notice it pretty much. But i feel like it has gotten so loud! Its mostly in my right ear. I can't even sleep! I have to turn music on to get my mind of the ringing so i can fall asleep. The thing that is scaring me is that yesterday i was reading to find somethings i can do to help lower the loudness of the ringing, and i stumbled on someones post saying that if the ringing worsens it can mean something neurological! Now that scares me!

I try to think that it can't be something neurological since I had this ringing for almost 4 years now but why is it getting worse and why has it been gradually getting louder!

I'm starting to link things together like my vision problems such as after images, visual snow, sparks ect. to something with my brain also because those are symptoms of something neurological along with tinnitus. Oh and also, some times the palm of my left hand go tingly. Go rub your hand on a soft blanket really fast for 30 seconds and you will eventually get the tingly feeling i get, but mine happens at random. I never tried to let it scare me and it hasn't which is good i think :)

I appreciate all the information and support :)

p.s i forgot to mention that sometimes when i get into a deep daze, like day dreaming for example, i start seeing random shapes and lines and stuff that darker, or lighter in color and then when i move my eyes their gone!

27-11-12, 18:27
Hi Went to neurologist with all these symptoms last year. Tinnitus sometimes a whistle and sometimes a pulsing feeling, numbness arm, face and nose , random light flashes in eyes, dizziness and brain fog. Absolutely convinced brain tumour or something equally horrible. MRI of brain was clear and neurologist could find no neurological reason for my symptoms. He did say that anxiety can cause all of these symptoms, which initially was hard for me to take in but after seeing my GP who confirmed this I had no option to try and at least believe it. Also my bad posture causes me to breathe shallowly which can contribute to dizziness. So in my case all down to anxiety!

27-11-12, 18:53
That makes me feel a little bit better! Do you ever see random shapes and lines and stuff that dissapear when you look at them?

27-11-12, 19:04
yes weird black shapes and large dots, it started at work one day and then began to happen regularly, I was sent from A and E at the hospital to eye infirmary who did loads of checks , eye pressure , looked behind my eyes etc and said all fine. My brother in law said that he gets them as well, so perhaps they are more common than we think!

---------- Post added at 19:04 ---------- Previous post was at 19:02 ----------

Sorry forgot to say that I went to A and E .as first time it happened had a massive panic attack and made my husband take me as convinced I was going blind etc etc

27-11-12, 23:56
I feel you brother. I see shapes, afterimages, grainy vision, snowy vision, black dots, and many other visual disturbances but both CT scans were clear. I get loud tinnitus ocassionally. Christ knows what causes it. I have sinusitis and possible labrinithitis which might be causing my audio problems. You are not alone.

28-11-12, 00:47
I'm glad i'm not the only one living with these annoyences! tinnitus being the biggest one of all! but may i ask what is sinusitis and labrinithits?

---------- Post added at 00:47 ---------- Previous post was at 00:46 ----------

i never had any scans done or test done such as mri's and getting my eyes tested though but ive been living with this stuff forever! so can't be that big of a deal right?