View Full Version : Coughing up blood streaks

27-11-12, 21:37
Well I have been diagnosed with Pnenmonia 2 weeks ago seen on a CT Scan I've been on 3 different antibiotics. I feel ok except for the Blood streaks in my phlem when clearing my lungs in the morning from that gook. How long does it take for it to go away. When I see the blood it freaks me out that they could have missed something on the CT Scan like lung cancer :weep:
Help please

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27-11-12, 22:19
Hiya, I've never suffered with anything like this, all I can say is try and be patient!
It took 8 different anti biotics to cure my nieces Pnenmonia haha so it takes time!
Honestly if the Dr's at the hospital thought you were in any danger of anything like Lung Cancer, they would have taken this a lot further.
While we anxiety sufferers think that Dr's just get rid of us because they think it's less then what it really is, so like "omg my doctor said I'm fine, but I think they're are just saying it because I'm stressed" well if this is the case, then if we ever did turn out VERY ill and a Doctor said we were fine but was wrong, that Dr would get in A LOT of trouble, hell of alot!
Doctors have to take their job seriously because it's lives in their hands!
The stories you read online about Dr's getting it wrong is something that's very very VERY accidental!
It's so rare for a Doctor to get it wrong.
Honestly you're okay :)

27-11-12, 22:41
If you had anything like lung cancer a CT scan would have showed it up. I'm sure the blood you are seeing is because you have been unwell. Just let your doctor know xx

27-11-12, 23:00
It's great they did a scan to get a better picture of what is going on Did they use that contrast stuff?

Honest after what you had, blood streaked phlegm is going to happen, it's more than likely just a little tear in the skin or a popped blood vessel, a big like blood streaks when you blow your nose Of course tell your doctor if you haven't already.

No I'm pretty sure the CT shows everything, if anything was off they would have sent you for an MRI or for further testing.

Try not to think the worst as it's only your imagination : )

27-11-12, 23:50
Well I have been diagnosed with Pnenmonia 2 weeks ago seen on a CT Scan I've been on 3 different antibiotics. I feel ok except for the Blood streaks in my phlem when clearing my lungs in the morning from that gook. How long does it take for it to go away. When I see the blood it freaks me out that they could have missed something on the CT Scan like lung cancer :weep:
Help please

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Lung Cancer would show up in a CT scan clearly. You have pnuemonia and it takes time for it to go. The blood is normal with pnuemonia. Give the antibiotics.

28-11-12, 02:22
Thank you all that does help a lot :)