View Full Version : Quick update

27-11-12, 19:45
Hello all,

Have been on my 3rd round of citalopram 30mg for six months now.

Anyone who remembers will know I suffered from health anxiety/depression.

I have been working full time since the Cit' started working and working long hours to boot often to exhaustion.

I'm still doing OK, except where there was a mix up last week with my repeat prescription. As I was working stupid hours I did not get my script filled for over a week. There was also a mix up and my script was altered to 10 mg per day. I had a mini flip out as I was already not with it and stressed from my job and also woozie from going cold turkey a week but got things sorted.

So here I am almost a full year from when I last went 'crazy' and am doing well.



27-11-12, 20:21
Well done Steve, long may it continue, I am now on 20 weeks of taking Cit(20g) and the GP has now told me to stay on them till March when I have to see him again, I am worried a bit about coming off of them eventually as I am feeling good at the moment.


27-11-12, 20:41
Stick with it until March is my advice Christine.

Then taper off if you don't like feeling woozie going cold turkey.

Chances are you will feel good after you come off the tablets, they sort of re-set your brain to 'normal' after prolonged use.

Should you need treatment again after you come off them then it is an option for you to re-start. May not be needed at all but they are there again to help.



28-11-12, 09:34
Yes I will certainly stick with them till March, I haven't got the courage to come off them cold turkey,it is good to know that it worked for you when you had to start taking them again, hope all goes well for you in the future.
