View Full Version : So scared!

27-11-12, 20:25
I have emetaphobia really badly! And I'm so scared right now as the boy who I was sat with on the bus for a hour has come down with the stomouch bug. I'm so worried I'm going to get it!:( someone help!!!

28-11-12, 11:41
Lauren, I'm sorry to hear you suffer from emetaphobia. It's a horrible thing to be frightened of and I sympathise with you - I've had it for nearly 20 years.

I know it is a very scary thought right now, but there could be a number of reasons why he has fallen poorly, that doesn't necessarily mean he has a contagious bug. He may have eaten something that has disagreed with him. Or he could have an underlying illness that is not contagious.

I know not much helps when you are in the throws of worrying, but try some breathing techniques to calm yourself down, and use distractions as a way of getting your mind off it. I'm sure you will be fine :)

I'm not sure how old you are, but have you spoken to your doctor about your phobia? They may have some practical solutions for helping you cope with it. You could be referred for something called CBT which deals with thought processes. It's not a cure sadly, but it may help you.