View Full Version : Hi there!!

27-11-12, 20:57
Hi-I am new to site and thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself and tell 'my story'. I have had anxiety for many years, since I was around 10 but only recognised it as anxiety in hindsight, but have been effected more acutely over the past 3 years.
I had always shyed away from many potentially stressful situations, or what I would have perceived to be stressful-new job, being on stage (I was a musician) etc and trained my brain to fear stress.
In one particularly busy period I moved homes, changed jobs and was in and out of a few relationships and I panicked. I'm sure everyone remembers their first panic attack (I think that's where much of the fear comes from). I had never experienced anything like it, such a terryfing point which I will always look back on.
From that point for a few months everything was scary. Leaving the house, going shopping, exercising and seeing friends. All would result in a panic attack on a daily basis. All I thought about was what if I panic again. 'Remember how bad the first time was'. I felt like part of me, part of my character had changed irreparably, that I was no longer the person I was, nor the person I really wanted to be.

3 years on from that point and I am much more in control, am happier and haven't had a panic attack in years (I just learned to go with it-once I understood why my body was reacting the way it did I just wasn't scared anymore and they subsided, eventually). However I am always on edge, feel stressed quite easily and have a terrible longing belief that if I make big changes again (new job etc) the stress will again become too much for me and will end up back in square one. As much as I believe I am in control I will always have that fear and I find it detrimental and incredibly difficult to take those 'big steps' to improve my standard of living. I find it is this cycle which is hard to break. I have not taken any medication but am beginning to consider something mild.
Apologies for the essay!

27-11-12, 21:08
Hi Lockers

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

27-11-12, 21:09
Hi :welcome: