View Full Version : Any experience with this specific problem?

27-11-12, 23:42
Hi Guys, I have had the unfortunate displeasure of a panic disorder for around 12 years now. Been through the usual from hypochondria and o.c.d to fears of going crazy, and points of complete and utter distress etc, etc. From my experience I have learnt to deal with the worst of it quite well for a good 5 years until I had an unexpected reoccurrence of the major problems last May and have continued since, however I am now slowly recovering again and feel much better by the week.

However! I have developed a strange symptom/s I can't shake which basically involves the association of the panicy feeling with something on my body. So for example it started when driving and I'd feel the shirt on my neck and the feeling of this somehow (no idea how) got associated with anxiety, probably as I was having a bit of an attack at the same time, so I am always 'feeling' the back of my neck and my stomach will get a little jump and this will continue. This has also developed to my hands, so I will always be aware of them and every time I 'feel' them, for example my hand moves, I get the awareness of it/fingers then I get a little jump and this then continues until I am getting on with something and forget, as this will mostly happen when I am sitting around.

You would never guess I am actually a completely normal person as this stuff just sounds worse and more ridiculous as I type it, but anyway, it is not a major panicy feeling like other stuff I get but I just don't have a clue, unlike the worse stuff, how to get rid of this! I assume I am worrying as it is the fear of this never going away, so the more I feel/be aware of this the more worry/vicious cycle etc. I do try the usual of remembering it is just my anxiety trying to get hold of something to make me worry, and try to be calm with it until it passes, but it is more of an irritation/slight anxiety than panic and as it is me 'feeling'/being aware of something on my body it is so hard to forget about it!!

I am sorry for the long post but just want to explain as much as I can, I feel almost like an experienced sufferer but I have had very limited experience in talking about stuff apart from this year so find it hard to spell out feelings. As I say I feel quite confident getting back to a good place again but this horrid thing just seems tough to get rid of and stays with me through each day. So my question then would be does anyone have similar experience with this sort of symptom, and does anyone most importantly have any suggestions or exercises, or methods to de-associate these feelings on my body? Or anything else? Also be happy to ramble on some more if anyone wants more info!

Thanks so much! Andy :)

28-11-12, 08:18
Seems like you're hyper aware of these things.
It's normal for associations to happen. Not too sure how to undo them.

28-11-12, 16:04
I am completely hyper aware of them, soon as I open my eyes in the morning!

I have even thought it is edging on the side of a compulsion rather than being anxious about the feeling but it is very confusing! :shrug:

Kind of reminds me of when I had health anxiety years ago, I would always 'feel' numbness or something down my left arm, but eventually I got over that as I would remind and reasure myself I was fine and it was go away. But this thing is just nothing, it's just 'feeling' my hands or back of my neck, so how on earth do I counter that?

It's kind of like my brain has got fed up of me getting over everything it has thrown at me and now it's getting round it by making up new things.

Crazy stuff. If anyone else has any advise or suggestions that would be great! :)

28-11-12, 16:28
Yes I was told by GP it is because anxious people are incredibly sensitive to any movement or change in their bodies, this is why I feel my pulse all over my body, have random flutterings in arms and legs, floaters in eyes etc. I just have to try and ignore them as the more I focus the worse they get.

30-11-12, 06:09
Hi Andymichael

As far as I know we are the only two members on here living in Spain.

It would be nice to chat to you via p.m. about general mental healthcare over here.

30-11-12, 09:40
Hi Andy and everybody,
With my anxiety waves i always have learned one thing that anxiety comes around in all shapes and forms. Like this episode i have first in 1,5 years after panic attack: the next day i developed hyperventilation, all the time so much that my chest was hurting and burning, this lasted for 2 days, then diarhea (tmi) came and actually stayed for quite few days, then i can get twitching somewhere for couple of days, then i wouldnt be able to eat at all - like at all, smell food even, then i would yawn for few days non stop, then i would shake from inside...etc. then i would be in a bubble for a day or two, its always in different order.. But lasts for few weeks or longer and these sometimes would escalate to panic attack. But its true that is doenst matter how much you try to shake them off the symptoms of anxiety would only go away when you would start relaxing, by just going with it. Yesterday i was unbelievebaly withdrawn, like looking at everythig through a massive lense , and it doesnt matter how much i teied to snap out of it it wouldt go away. And it was such a bad day for this, as i am only for few days here. Its not that bad today. It doesnt matter how much your body and mind will be doing the tricks with you it will eventually get tired and stop it. Even when you think you cant do it anymore. ... I would Just try to repeat to myself when it takes over you: yep, ok, the neck, the hands - whats next, whats new ....
We all hate the sensations of anxiety but its just like any illness - its just doesnt leave visible scars. It takes time to recover like with any illness. My doc said - you see you didnt have attack and anxiety for 1,5 years, its the same like you had no cold for some time - and now you cought it - so give yourself time to recover.

01-12-12, 00:00
Hi Andymichael

As far as I know we are the only two members on here living in Spain.

It would be nice to chat to you via p.m. about general mental healthcare over here.

Ricardo i would be happy to chat via pm, message me an we can talk. although I've only recently moved so think you could probably offer more advise than I! Hablo pronto amigo.

---------- Post added at 01:00 ---------- Previous post was at 00:54 ----------

its the same like you had no cold for some time - and now you cought it - so give yourself time to recover.

That's a great way to look at it and probably the only way to get on with things. That's pretty much what I am doing at the minute trying to forget about the triggers and eventually the gap between thinking about them will widen and widen. I know I will be back to normal again just wish there was a few techniques to get there quicker!

BTW love the picture coincidentally watching father ted as I type! :roflmao:

01-12-12, 04:32
Ricardo i would be happy to chat via pm, message me an we can talk. although I've only recently moved so think you could probably offer more advise than I! Hablo pronto amigo.

---------- Post added at 01:00 ---------- Previous post was at 00:54 ----------

That's a great way to look at it and probably the only way to get on with things. That's pretty much what I am doing at the minute trying to forget about the triggers and eventually the gap between thinking about them will widen and widen. I know I will be back to normal again just wish there was a few techniques to get there quicker!
BTW love the picture coincidentally watching father ted as I type! :roflmao:
I know, i love father Ted, they are all hillarious: there is always time for a nice cup of tea!