View Full Version : New and not sure where to start...

28-11-12, 00:31
Not sure where to start. Perhaps with the basics..?

My name is Sarah, I'm 22 and a student in London. I've never joined a forum before so this is a new and sort of scary experience.

My mum was ill with cancer for a lot of my life until she passed away when I was 16 and my dad and I don't really have a brilliant relationship. I'm not even sure when everything turned into such a mess to be honest.
I suppose I have what could be described as a cocktail of problems - epilepsy, depression, occasional panic attacks, mood swings, excessive mind-chatter and most recently I suspect I'm beginning to have issues with my weight. I also have a little bit of O.C.D, but it doesn't affect my day-to-day life, so I don't see it as a problem yet.

I spend a lot of my days just sort of floating along. I sleep and nap a lot, and I know it's not healthy but (and this may sound strange) it's become some sort of ridiculous addiction.

Lastly, what really messes my mind up is that I wear my heart on my sleeve. It's a good and bad trait I suppose but it mostly ends up hurting me and sending me on a wild emotional rollercoaster.

I think all I want from this is people to talk to who won't judge me or freak out on me.

That's all I have to say right now. If you can relate in the slightest, or have any advice then you know what to do.

Love Sarah xx

28-11-12, 00:38
hey sarah and welcome! people here are great and friendly and no one judges anyone... and in your words dont "freak out on you" so come and chat have a look around if you need a hand just ask someone there are mods and what not that are more clued up than me infact i believe my mum is a mod (bluesparkle) and pretty handy at this forum im here cos i fundraise for NMP to keep this site running but also have alot of experience in working with "young people" from a dissadvantaged back ground in an advice and infomation center thats anything from d&a issues to mental health etc etc so i know few bits and pieces annyyyy way just thought i would say welcome and hope you find what you are looking for :)

28-11-12, 00:42
Hi SarahRose

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

28-11-12, 02:16
From one Sarah to another.
I think a lot of people who suffer from anxiety wear their heart of their sleeve.

I have always had to mind chatter too, you do get used to it don't you. I also have some bad habits that perpetuate my anxiety, so you are not alone(the napping), I shallow breathe all the time.

All the best.

28-11-12, 02:29
:welcome: Sarah,

No one judges here so you can talk as freely as you choose, we all have our own problems and issues and this is a great forum for help, information or to just have some company when things get a little hard.

My problem is I cant sleep and that makes my anxiety even higher than usual at the moment, so I found Im on here reading a lot in the early hours.

Take care.