View Full Version : Dizzy and anxious

20-08-06, 14:15
Hi guys
I really thought I was getting on top of my anxiety and panic.
The last few days I feel anxiety gnawing away in my stomach - everything I do I worry about - Will work go ok? Will I have a PA at the drs? Can I ever face a job interview again? Just thinking about it brings on panic - I carry on as usual with a smile of my face - "acting" normal but inside I feel really scared and what makes it worse is I dont understand "why" this has all come back again after 20- years - I thought it was the menopause but I just dont know.
Im having hot flushes all over the place despite being on HRT and just feel anxious about everything even tho I go ahead and do it. What I want to know is "why - why now - why has it started up again in the last few months???"

Sorry guys - just needed to let off steam!
Love wenjoy x

20-08-06, 16:13
Hi Wenjoy,

Aw sorry to hear your having a rough time hun. It's just a wee blip your having and I know it will pass as quick as it came. Hang in there hun and let off all the steam you need.

Take Care



20-08-06, 20:05
hi wenjoy i know how you feel hunny,i too am having a real big blip at the moment(since thursday!!)and i just feel so frustrated as i wasn,t doing too bad up until then and it,s back with a vengance!!!!i don,t know about you but do you beat yourself up about it and think to yourself what am i doing today that has made me feel this way!!i don,t have any real advice(sorry!!!)but just know that you are not alone and you will soon feel better!!
take care
rachel x

20-08-06, 20:17
Thanks Rachel and Mandy - will try to think positively. Just been sitting laughing at Shrek 2 on sky movies and thinking to myself "I can chose to fear everything until my world closes in on me and really its not the situation thats creating this fear - its my own thoughts so I must chose - and I chose to live my life not run awaY" lets hope I can make actions speak louder than words!! Love wenjoy x