View Full Version : Hi I just found you

28-11-12, 02:57
Hi - I was searching around looking for others like me! I'm an artist and try to keep fairly busy and distracted from my panic -y and anxious feelings. I'm not taking anything, just wish I could relax more and not feel so uptight! Arrgh! I'm tired of feeling this way..I am going to order a book though that I think will help..:)

28-11-12, 03:10
Hi Iamme

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

28-11-12, 07:26
A very big warm :welcome:to you.

28-11-12, 21:54
Thanks Bobby Dog!:D
I feel like there's a place to go when I'm feelin' low! (sorry about the rhyme!)

29-11-12, 16:11
:welcome: I'm sure you'll make new friendships and receive a lot of support here

29-11-12, 21:19
Welcome the forums! :) You'll find plenty of help here.

Which book are you thinking of ordering?

29-11-12, 21:30
Hi :welcome:

30-11-12, 03:57
Thanks Serenite, Sparkle and Anne!

I feel so welcome!
Oh, the books I ordered were From Panic to Power, What to say when you talk to yourself and The Anxiety Expert-A psychs story.

I let my son borrow my "mental health bible" a book called "You Can Feel Good Again" so I needed something to get me through the bad days! This book made me feel so strong and empowered that I did something I never thought I'd ever do in my wildest dreams - parasail! I have read it over and over it is such a comfort and so full of wisdom!

Sparkle your list is amazing, I will have to print it out! Thanks for sharing! I also find that listening to music when I feel wound up before sleeping is a big help. Valerian does help me at times too...

30-11-12, 06:04
Welcome,you are amongst a big community of friends on here.

01-12-12, 03:11
Thanks Ricardo -
It's true- Here is a place I can come to and even though I'm new at this I feel we're pretty much in the same boat and can commiserate!:)