View Full Version : Just wanted to add a little more....

28-11-12, 04:30
I'm a little shy about sharing... So I thought I'd come back on and add more.'

I'm a lady in my late 50's and feel anxious most of the time. I've been to the ER about 7 times (!) in the last few years because of it and panicking thinking I'm having a stroke or heart attack. Tons of tests, you name it - all negative. I even spent one night in the hosp for observance.

I have been prescribed 3 different meds over a period of time. 2 of the bottles are unused. Ativan every so often. Really relaxes me.

I try to keep busy with my art. TV is a great distraction. Humor especially. I think we think too much! I know I do - worry and negativity - need to replace that!

It's nice to know I'm not alone!

28-11-12, 04:41
Hi Iamme

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

28-11-12, 06:02
Hi Iamme and welcome to NMP. I'm in a similar situation to you, mid fifties, suffering from anxiety and I love my arts and crafts too! x

28-11-12, 10:53
Hi Iamme :)
another Arty lady in her 50's here! I started a small business last year from home painting Motorcycles and classic cars but had to stop due to a severe strain injury ( tenosynivitus/ trigger finger ) like you it was my art that kept me sane and was brilliant therapy too for relaxation ( altho I did get stressed out with the few commissions I managed to get :wacko: ) I can manage to do some stencilling now as I can keep my thumb straight so I am decorating my house now with those and at least being creative again! what sort of art do you do?
ive had some heart probs too connectd to the anxiety, with meditation that has settled down now tho :yesyes: I dont take tablets as the fear of taking them far outweighs the benefits for me....haha I am a lost cause! glad you can at least take something to ease things for you a little :flowers: I am the same as you with thinking too much about things and being very negative and am working on changing my mind set....its very hard but I figure if my brain got this way then it can ' un ' get this way! well...thats the theory anyway lol! take care
love Moon x

28-11-12, 21:28
Hi Moonstone! :)

I think it's great that you are still doing your creative "thing"! It IS relaxing and great therapy. I do whimsical colorful art which I sell online. It is exciting BUT that translates for me:scared15: to ANXIOUS!

About the meds I have - only one pill left of the one I like, but I've come a long way from where I was. Drinking seemed to be the only thing to relax me - now I have only one day where I have my wine -as much as I like! :D

Have some books coming my way with others personal experiences with this monster - that always makes me feel better and lifts my spirits.

Have you found anything else that's helped you?:huh:

29-11-12, 10:32
Hi Iamme :)

You're definitely not alone. It seems like you have some very good distraction techniques and I hope when you get the books they will help some more.

I'm hopeless at craft despite my best efforts, would love to see some of yours sometime as I really like seeing others creations!

01-12-12, 11:10
Hi Iamme :)
sorry for late reply, love to see your art, not sure if you can post stuff like that on here do you have a website? I did but its now defunked :weep: im a detail freak haha! used to do pet portraits and had some success there, but my poor thumb :wacko: im looking to try to do some sort of abstract art, I did a portrait of motogp rider Marco Simoncelli ( I love love love the motorbike racing ) in that style using oils and got on quite well, even with my poorly digit...so hard for me not to do EVERY single little detail tho teehee....I shall HAVE to learn to change!
I used to drink quite a lot too, until I had my heart scare, I have the occassional bottle of wine now but really finances dont allow...food takes preference lol!
I used to read all sorts of books, self help, therapy etc, I have a book called Triumph Over Fear by Jerilyn Ross and honestly its the best book ive ever read, I do enjoy very positive books like The Magic and The Secret by Rhondda Byrne, very uplifiting to read :yesyes: I do a lot of meditation, crystal healing and use oils, just generally try to surround myself with lots of things that I love.....I LOVE comedy on the TV too! the old stuff Morecambe and Wise, the Good Life etc brilliant! love My Family too :roflmao:
happy reading and happy viewing!

02-12-12, 19:33
Hi Moon!

Thanks for the recommendations for more books to check out I'm not too keen about sharing my website - I like the anonymity here!:shades: Not everyone knows about this craziness that I feel at times - only a few close friends - I don't go into it.

Yes - Love comedy - anything that takes us away from ourselves! With the holidays coming I'm finding myself getting anxious - everyday I seem to have a headache and tension in my neck and shoulder slowly seem to creep up...:scared15:

Best to keep busy and sometimes to just veg in front of the TV! :yesyes: