View Full Version : Doing well....

20-08-06, 14:55
Just a quick update on how I am doing.... The school holidays used to be a nightmare for me as I love routine and there are no routines when my son and I are off school for the holidays! I used to be up and dressed before my husband went to work so I could 'escape' to friends or family if I felt I was about to faint/collapse/die and I used to get my son up and dressed to - bless him he never questioned this! I would invariably set myself up to panic and leave the house within a 1/2 hour of my husbands departure to work and not return until an hour before he was due home - it was horrible for my son and myself - no freedom to 'just be'. These summer holidays have been so different.... husband goes to work and I stay in bed!!!! ( Just for a little bit!) Son lazes around in his 'jim-jams' doing what other 10 year old boys do - total freedom. Yes of course the fear rears its ugly head at times and the 'what if's' are only a thought away but the freedom is not worth trading in for those thoughts. We have had a lovely, leisurely holiday.... usual things like park, beach, bike rides etc. Life really is for the living and we are a long time dead. Irrational fear will take from our lives what we let it - I refuse to entertain it these days. I don't consider myself 'cured' of panic - I accept that I am pre-disposed to it - it is just my thought process that has changed - I still feel dizzy, light-headed, sur-real, spaced out, floaty etc at times - and I just accept that but try not to give into it. You can do it !
On a different matter altogether I have been reading with increasing cocern Karens thread on Anorexia - I pray that she will 'turn a corner on this road to self-destruction' and that the right people with the necessary knowledge will intervene and bring Karen the freedom she deserves from this horrific dis-order. God Bless you Karen.
Love to each and all
Dawn x

20-08-06, 16:10
Hi Dawn,

It's so nice to read success stories and I'm so pleased your doing so well. Keep up the good work.

Take Care



20-08-06, 17:29
Hi Dawn,

What a lovely post. I am so happy for both you and your son that you are able to do what you are doing during this holiday. You are facing fear in the face and not letting it get the better of you. A huge well done.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

polly daydream
20-08-06, 19:07
Hi Dawn, so pleased to hear you are doing well, keep it up.

Take care,

Polly x

21-08-06, 17:05
Delighted for ya - wish I was in the same boat at the mo!

Keep up the good work and enjoy doing nothing - lol. You know you are getting close to normality when you can 'do nothing' and enjoy it!

16-09-06, 17:01
Thought I would update on progress so far...... I came off cipralex completely 2 weeks ago (after being on 10mg since March 2005 and recently reducing to 5mg, then every other day, every 2nd day etc) so far so good. As you would expect I feel a bit whooshy and giddy at times but I know that is for me to deal with now and not the tabs. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting nearer! Dawn x

16-09-06, 18:03
So glad to hear how 'chilled' the summer hols were for you mate, that's great!!

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

17-09-06, 09:43
hiya, im glad you are doin well,,,, keep at it!