View Full Version : Claire Weekes - How do you "float"?

28-11-12, 13:33
Dr. Claire Weekes' approach seems like the right one. I'm one of the people she says get 99% there and recoil at the last moment. I just don't fully understand the floating. Is it just still feeling really scared and going on? My problem is panic disorder only when driving. I just slam on the brake and pull in, either as a result of mounting tension or seemingly out of the blue. It's become very bad, to the point that I can hardly drive at all. I tried CBT but it didn't help much, in fact I think the exposure made me worse. I'm working with an instructor who understands my problem and he tells me not to suppress the panic but I don't really know what to do. Driving home the other day I wasn't able to make myself go faster than 20mph with the guy behind blowing his horn and getting very agitated. I didn't let the horn blowing phase me and just continued my 7-11 breathing and limped on home. I was very scared but I resisted pulling in. Is that floating? Are you supposed to keep at it until the anxiety passes? In the past I've found I can take so much and no more and I just end up flooding and in a setback. Is floating just feeling a flash of panic and then being ok or is it prolonged discomfort but not full on panic? I'd be grateful if anyone can help.

28-11-12, 13:54
I think 'floating' is perceived differently by everyone, and thats why iys vague in it's explanation. If it was defined, not everyone would be able to do it.

For me, floating is imagining myself doing the task, without problem, over and over again and then keeping that image in mind when I carry something out. like now. I'm on a bus to work and I had to 'float' here. There's no wrong or right way to do it, its just whatever works for you. If you stop putting so much pressure on yourself to float 'right ' it might be more effective x

28-11-12, 14:08
Thanks Dread. Sounds like a good plan.

28-11-12, 14:24
You're very welcome. I know if I was learning to drive now I would feel very similar...but you just have to keep at it and one day...it will click and you'll be fine!

28-11-12, 14:48
I think "floating" is probably one of the hardest things to understand and also to master when it comes to the Claire Weekes books.

I've always understood "floating" to be the opposite of "fighting". So often we go out and do something and we tense ourselves up when we feel our anxiety getting worse. With "floating" I think the idea is to relax your body into what you are doing.

28-11-12, 16:52
I don't think you need to look much into it. The word and initial imagery of "float" is what effets your subconscious without putting much more emphasis on it. As long as you keep repeating it in your head it should have an effect. That's my take on things anyway.