View Full Version : Heart anxiety

28-11-12, 14:06
Hi all, following my early posts regarding me being told my heart is fine I still find myself constantly feeling my heart is racing! This is crazy starting to find myself acting like I have a bloody heart condition! Have had ECG and stress tests done so I know I'm ok, finished counselling and refered to cbt but the guy was happy for me to do it myself rather than having sessions as it doesn't stop me doing anything or affects any physical parts of my life however it is always on my mind. Any one else relate to this?

28-11-12, 20:13
Hello Cj83,

Sounds like we are twins mate, for the reason I could of typed what you did word for word. I have had loads of ecgs and 2 stress tests and also 2 trips to A&E with chest pains (this has been done in just under 2 years).

I have not seen a cardiologist as my doctor says after the 2 stress test came back fine that it means I am OK.

But it still does not stop me for worrying it is in my mind 24hr 7days a week.

But we have to stay strong and as everyone I speak to tells me it is all anxiety doing this to me.

So you are not alone in this and you will find that many others are in the same boat as you and me.

If you ever need a chat

28-11-12, 21:58
I do the same, after all the testing, I still get chest pains, and still think something is wrong with my heart. (I hate it) Everyday revolves around thinking I am just going to drop dead any minute. I'm already thinking it's been a couple of months since I have had any test, maybe it's time I go back. Horrible way to live, HA is cruel. Hope this makes you feel better that you are not alone. :hugs:

28-11-12, 22:44
Thanks guys, nice to know it's not just me! That's very kind I may take u up on ur offer! Same goes for u aswell.

29-11-12, 05:21
I too could of wrote this post mysel! It badly effects my life

29-11-12, 05:32
Hi there,
All of us have heart anxiety, because we canhear it beating away and our mind is nist 100% focused on it. But if docs said its fine you will slowly let it go.

To tell you how much our mind can control us and imagine things, i will tell you that my friend who saw her dad having a heart attack after soms time developed anx and depression and every time durog her panic attack she used to have full set of symptoms that her dad had, when she witnessed him. She was controled by this fear so much that every time ahe was having "fake" heart attack. And everything that was happenig to her dad was happening to her.

She has recovered from anx and depression since.

Our mind can trick us big time.

29-11-12, 07:42
About 18 months ago I was under quite a lot of stress and I was convinced there was something wrong with my heart, as it palpated a lot and sort of felt like it was dropping in my chest. I had to wait about 5 weeks for an ecg-I guess the doctor didn't feel it was an emergency. Over that waiting period it got worse but once I had the ecg and was told I was fine, I actually noticed the palpitations fade and I didn't find myself constantly listening, checking, asking other people to feel my heart and listen etc. I do still now get the odd panic about my heart, as the word heart attack is quite commonly heard and it alarms people. However if you have had reassuring tests already then this is quite encouraging. :) I would suggest every time you feel a panic coming on, think of those reassuring words the doctor told you: you are fine. Anxiety can do some pretty nasty things to your body and make you believe things that aren't true. I hope you will start to relax and accept that you're fine. :) all the best to you.

29-11-12, 11:29
Yes, this is similar to my worries.

During a panic attack the worry that there may be a real health issue raises my anxiety level. My heart rate goes up and my blood pressure increases, my month becomes dry. My heart rate and blood pressure will peak during the panic attack but can also remain above normal for days after the panic attack.

When this first started I went to urgent care and they performed an ECG. The ECG was Ok. Almost immediately my stress and anxiety decreased, knowing there was not an emergency.

I discussed this and other stress issues with a doctor and he performed a number of tests. He found no heart issues. However I did have a number of similar anxiety attacks about that time.

For about four years I didn't have an panic incident, but just yesterday I had an repeat anxiety attack were my heart rate and blood pressure were very high. And today I am still dwelling on the impact of the high blood pressure to my health.

So now I am searching the internet and considering what to do next to cope with this