View Full Version : Worried about liver

28-11-12, 15:27

I am new to this forum as I previously didn't think I really had any anxiety about my health, but it seems I might do :weep:

I'm a 24 year old male who drinks quite regularly at weekends, probably 8 or 9 pints on a Friday and Saturday. It's probably a little excessive I know, but nothing I would say out of the ordinary for a 24 year old man living in a small Welsh rugby town :ohmy: I've only been drinking since I was 21 and find it more of a social/boredom thing really as I don't particularly get up to much else ...

Twice in the last few months now, a few days after drinking I've been having a dull ache or pressure slightly under my right rib cage - I can also feel it in my right shoulder. Sometimes it's a throbbing but its more of an annoyance rather than being really painful. I was frightened it was my liver so started googling (!) and most people with liver problems it seems to begin with a dull ache in this area....

I was concerned so I saw my GP who prodded me and said it was probably nothing. He did however notice that on a previous blood test a few months earlier I had slightly elevated liver enzymes so I had a liver function test and full blood count done. This came back as normal and the symptoms went away but this week after drinking the same symptoms have come back (first time was two months ago)

If these carry on for any length of time I feel I will need to re-visit my doctor again but I'd like to know if anyone else has had anything like this or if I may be worrying about nothing. The blood test results re-assured me that nothing was wrong initially, but then the same thing came back...

All my friends and parents say I'm far too young to have any liver related problems but knowing my luck if anyone it would happen to me...

Looking forward to any advice you all may have
Thanks :)

28-11-12, 15:32
Yes currently struggling with liver issues. I would be reassured by your LFT's if they are now normal. Is the pain only after drinking alcohol?

28-11-12, 15:36
Yes currently struggling with liver issues. I would be reassured by your LFT's if they are now normal. Is the pain only after drinking alcohol?
Hi, thanks for the reply, it seems to be usually the day or next day after a weekend of drinking, usually in the evening. Last time it persisted for a week after (even with no alcohol) and this time it has been going on for a few days.

The LFTs were from 2 months ago when I last had the symptoms though I doubt anything has changed in 2 months....the reassurance they gave me seems to have disapppeared though :weep:

House fan
28-11-12, 15:56
Hi mate,

You need to go some to permanently damage your liver, especially at your age.

If you are worried, why not take a break from alcohol for a while and follow the Liver diet for 6 weeks. This will allow your liver to heal naturally AND give your body a well earned rest!


Also, start taking Milk Thistle capsules, which offer the liver some added protection from ALL toxic substances. Available at all good pharmacies.

You will be fine my friend, I hope this helps.

28-11-12, 16:01
Yes that is good advice, stop drinking for a while, I have given up alcohol altogether, but I am older than you and have other issues. Best to look after your liver while you are young and taking a break from alcohol will probably benefit you. The milk thistle idea seems good, but have no experience of it myself, might try it.

28-11-12, 16:04
thanks for the reply :) i did try taking some milk thistle capsules last time and it seemed to help -- whether that confirms that the issue is coming from my liver, or just placebo i'm not sure, but i think I'll try them again too

28-11-12, 16:09
Alcohol contributed to my recant wifes death, she was only 43, liver failiure or alchoholic hepatitus, we had to sit and watch her struggle for life for 8 days, my wife best friend and companion for 16years gone, she only drank 3 to 4 cans of cider a day over 7 days, she never was drunk, she looked after our home and family, infact i drink more than my wife did on a sunday afternoon than she did all week, just be carefull.
Atb Kev

28-11-12, 19:52
Alcohol contributed to my recant wifes death, she was only 43, liver failiure or alchoholic hepatitus, we had to sit and watch her struggle for life for 8 days, my wife best friend and companion for 16years gone, she only drank 3 to 4 cans of cider a day over 7 days, she never was drunk, she looked after our home and family, infact i drink more than my wife did on a sunday afternoon than she did all week, just be carefull.
Atb Kev
So sorry to hear this about your wife. My sincere condolences.

Thanks all for the advice, I guess I will just have to keep an eye on things.

28-11-12, 20:12
Worrying about my liver and drinking habits are what started my HA in the first place. I have had a blood test and my liver enzymes were slightly raised. I am also 24. The doctor told me to cut down to the recommend units and stop worrying.

Though all this I was REALLY worried that drinking has done its damage and I have no hope.

His advice to me was the problem is anxiety and not with your liver. Your story seems similar to mine, my advice stop worrying and cut down, enjoy responsibly as they say.

Added to this, my doctor also said he would be amazed if someone in their twenties has done irreversible damage. I have cut down and stopped worrying completely which is amazing as it used to occupy my mind all the time!!!

Anyways, hope this helps. Sorry if it was a bit long. X

28-11-12, 22:19
Worrying about my liver and drinking habits are what started my HA in the first place. I have had a blood test and my liver enzymes were slightly raised. I am also 24. The doctor told me to cut down to the recommend units and stop worrying.

Though all this I was REALLY worried that drinking has done its damage and I have no hope.

His advice to me was the problem is anxiety and not with your liver. Your story seems similar to mine, my advice stop worrying and cut down, enjoy responsibly as they say.

Added to this, my doctor also said he would be amazed if someone in their twenties has done irreversible damage. I have cut down and stopped worrying completely which is amazing as it used to occupy my mind all the time!!!

Anyways, hope this helps. Sorry if it was a bit long. X
thanks, that's very helpful :) did you have any symptoms too (even if the doctor thought they were through anxiety), or was it just the elevated liver enzymes that got you worrying? x

28-11-12, 22:39
Hi gwhite73,

I did indeed, that's another thing that got me very worried. But I think in my case I honed in on every little niggle and ache in that area. That was proberbly thanks to google putting these thoughts in my head, and it's easy to focus in and feel these "liver related pains".

I was pretty adamant that the doctor heard me out on all my symptoms including my ache in the liver area. This doctor was a temp and I've never met her. She said two things that are good to remember. " there's nothing wrong with you, you are the picture of health", I've had about three doctors tell me that now... And the best response I have ever got from a doctor after pouring my worrys out towards them, "you've written the book on anxiety".

The gist. I was so focused in on this one liver problem that I was bound to pick up on aches in that area.

Again, sorry for the rambling, I'm using the Internet on my mobile for the first phone and the screens to small to see how much I'm going on. :D

29-11-12, 11:17
Heya, Can i just say i seem to having exactly the same as you!, I also seem to have constipation with it tho, ive posted a few times its like a very dull ache, not painful but annoying. Ive been to the docs who poked me and said nothings wrong :/ lol. Mine also seems to be worse after drinking, i too drink most weekends but at home with my partner,we dont drink excessively but prob more than i should! last time i was in pain for 3 days after which has really got me worried about it so im back to the docs on monday im gonna ask for the blood tests etc to put my mind at rest i cant decide wether its Ibs related or not as sometimes constipated with pain and others need to rush to the loo. xxxx

29-11-12, 14:42
Heya, Can i just say i seem to having exactly the same as you!, I also seem to have constipation with it tho, ive posted a few times its like a very dull ache, not painful but annoying. Ive been to the docs who poked me and said nothings wrong :/ lol. Mine also seems to be worse after drinking, i too drink most weekends but at home with my partner,we dont drink excessively but prob more than i should! last time i was in pain for 3 days after which has really got me worried about it so im back to the docs on monday im gonna ask for the blood tests etc to put my mind at rest i cant decide wether its Ibs related or not as sometimes constipated with pain and others need to rush to the loo. xxxx
Hi, sounds exactly like me although I supposedly have IBS too but with diarhhea rather than constipation.

To be honest the more I think about it, it seems like a flare up of IBS. My latest episode has lasted 3 days too strangely enough. I think if there was anything seriously wrong with us, it would not last just 3 days - it would be constant and we would feel violently ill! :scared15: Still at the time when the symptoms are there the mind wanders ...

Still it can't hurt to have a blood test done to put your mind at rest, just remember not to drink for at least 3-4 days before you have blood drawn as drinking will temporarily affect the results which could give a false result.

thanks for the message take care :)

Again, sorry for the rambling, I'm using the Internet on my mobile for the first phone and the screens to small to see how much I'm going on. :biggrin:
no need to apologise your advice and experiences have been really interesting. I am starting to realise too how powerful an affect anxiety can have on us.

29-11-12, 17:45
I drink far too much I'm only 27 but I worry about my liver too x