View Full Version : Heartburn Meltdown

28-11-12, 20:20
I'm having a complete and utter meltdown, I've had heartburn the past couple of weeks (I have had this before), I'm under quite a lot of stress at the moment and feel as if my shoulders are constantly around my ears. This has led my shoulder to ache especially around my shoulder blades. The heartburn is in my throat and under my ribs, sometimes painful. I have therefore convinced myself I'm having a heart attack or I've got a problem with my heart.

I'm trying hard to keep it together but I feel as if i just want to collapse in a heap and cry forever. This health anxiety is really getting me down.

Are these symptoms heartburn or should I be worried. Surely if it was my heart I'd feel ill?

Its just constantly going around and around in my head. Help!!! :weep:

Can anybody relate?

28-11-12, 20:44
I get really bad heartburn when I am anxious. Once it went on for a month or so, but when my anxiety lessened so did the heartburn.

This is VERY common and if you search for HB you will read hundreds of threads like your own :)

Your symptoms fit someone who is anxious and stressed. Stress physically hurts the body as we tense ourselves up.

You are not having a heart attack.. it's just normal stress/ anxiety related symptoms.

28-11-12, 21:05
Thanks for the reassurance Hypo.

It does feel like everything is just getting on top of me and then my HA kicks off.

Thank you for understanding, to be honest it feels better just writing it down.