View Full Version : Depressed

28-11-12, 22:17
I posted a few days ago about my fear of pancreatic cancer. I have chronic pancreatits-have for 3 yrs ( since Dx) but have had symptoms almost 6 yrs. my dad died of pan cancer. I'm having a longer flair than usual and am terrified I have pan can going undetected - I've had numerous scans all normal tho they saw a divisum yrs ago ( ppl born with it) and I fear it was actually a lesion and the dr mistook it for a divisum.

I have an 8 m old baby and have been so depressed that I have this and will die soon. I can't bear leaving her.

Waiting for my next mrcp to be scheduled

28-11-12, 22:23
Hi I know where you are coming from and I feel for you. I am seeing liver specialist in 2 weeks and I have already condemned myself to having something terrible to be honest. It is a horrible feeling. I completely understand your fears. Sorry but what is a mrcp? :hugs:

28-11-12, 22:44
What age are you K2626?

28-11-12, 22:59
Alma it's a special MRI for the pancreas

I'll be turning 38. Pc is not an "older person@ disease anymore-hits many in their 30s. Though my dad had it at 72

I'm just so depressed the thought of leaving my daughter is my worst fear

29-11-12, 09:18
Thanks for that not heard of it before. Good luck for it. Hope we both get good news. xxxxx