View Full Version : Well done our celticlass

Granny Primark
29-11-12, 03:32
:DCeltic had a really stressful day yesterday.
It was something which she has been worried over for weeks.
She rang me up yesterday morning panicking like mad.
I was worried sick about her all day.
However in the afternoon she rang back and sounded a lot more cheerful.
Im so proud how well she coped.:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

29-11-12, 09:21
Well done Celtic :)

29-11-12, 09:33
Well Done Lass ~We're proud of you!

29-11-12, 10:03
Celtic you got through it well done. Your friends will continue to support you xxx

29-11-12, 10:05
Just sending hugs to our celticlass :hugs::hugs::hugs:
All the bestxxxxxx