View Full Version : Pain in upper back and sore throat!

29-11-12, 07:43
For the past week or so i have had a really sore throat, it feels like there is a ball stuck it and i have had discomfort to my upper back where the lungs are. It is hard to explain but it feels as if the cold is getting right into my lungs no matter how many layers i wear. It seems to be worst in late evening/ morning. I have also got a coldsore which i dont normally get. Anyway i am worried what this may be and as you may know i hate going to the doctors and always avoid going. I am worried this may be something serious. I am also concerned that it may just be anxiety as i have been very stressed for about 3weeks. I have a lot going on right now and have been worrying about things and this hasnt helped. Any advice would be much appreciated guys! X LadyMillion X

29-11-12, 08:48
If anything, at worst this will be some kind of chest/ throat infection I would imagine.

I am not a GP but the symptoms sound like a run of the mill throat/ chest infection to me.

It could "just" be anxiety as well. I had a sore throat for months when I was at my worst.

I know you don't like going to the doctors but just pop along to see if you need some antibiotics. It very well could be anxiety but just get checked out in case it is a chest infection because antibiotics will clear it up in days.

I really don't think you need to worry about anything sinister..(in fact, I would bet my kids Xmas toys on it ;)) I have had some awful symptoms which turned out to be just anxiety. I couldn't swallow food for weeks once and thought it was a tumour!!! I am still here with no tumour!!! anxiety does awful things to us :( if the GP says you don't have a chest infection then at least you can talk over your anxiety.