View Full Version : Update from Ddcoo re tongue cancer

29-11-12, 09:30
Hi to you all who are following my last post. I went to the hairdressers on Tuesday and of course told her what was going on and she said they had another customer who had had the same operation a few weeks ago, so I asked the girls at the hairdressers to give her my phone number and if she agreed to give me a call. A couple of hours later the lady who has had the operation did phone me and we were on the phone for about one and a half hours, and it was so useful, she said that when |I come round there is no pain, just very bad discomfort and the tongue isn't the problem but the neck is the worst, she gave me all sorts of tips for hospital. Her words were "it is not a picnic". She said she was as frightened as I am at having it done, but it has to be done. She was talking after 4 days after the op. Her op was 7 hours long. Anyway, I am going to do a diary when I am in hospital and then print it out when I get home, so if anyone else has to have it done I can give the patient's view. OK so I am still petrified as I have never been in hospital in my life or had a stitch till they did the biopsy 2 weeks ago, but I am not as anxious as I was if you know what I mean. Again thanks to my trusty band of pilgrims who are supporting me.

29-11-12, 09:54
So pleased you have been able to speak to this lady, it really does help to be able to discuss it with someone who has gone through it. A few weeks time and it will all be over with and you will be on your road to recovery :) You are being very brave and strong and a real inspiration to others. :bighug1: xx

29-11-12, 10:01

I would nominate you as poster of the month if not the year :hugs:

29-11-12, 10:42
How lovely that you could speak to someone who could give you some good advice!

I've been following your story and I can't believe your bravery! Keeping positive is the key and there are so many of us behind you, you won't be able to have a negative moment!

I know we're all wishing you the best of luck!

Hannah x

29-11-12, 11:11
So sorry to hear this. If it makes you feel any better, my aunt had tongue cancer, she was in her late 50's and had received a kidney transplant so they had warned her that due to her anti-rejection drugs she may develop cancer. It's a catch 22 situation really. But anyway, she had an operation and recovered fully. Tongue cancer is one of the most treatable forms of the disease if caught early, which I'm sure it has. It won't be easy, but you will get through it and you will be fine.

29-11-12, 11:33
Sending you lots of hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:. You are very strong and you will get through this.

29-11-12, 11:44
Ricardo; I had to laugh about being poster of the month, at my age and with my cellulite it would be like one of the rude postcards that you see at the seaside of fat ladies paddling in the sea. I always wanted to be a model, so maybe it is my turn to have 15 mins of fame. Thank you again for cheering me up.
Starmist; I am honestly not brave but I do have a sense of humour which is managing to keep on top at the moment, but I have always had health anxiety and worried for years and years over this and that, but now the biggie has hit me I have a chance to maybe manage my fear a bit better. This site has done more to occupy me and keep me on a level than anything else, so it is you guys that are doing it not me. x
MaryMac; thank you for telling me about your aunt, it is so good to hear of the survivors and I am just trying to keep calm till the day and then I don't know how I will be especially as I have never had a stay in hospital but the lady who has been through it said that the whole team from the surgeons down are wonderful, caring and will do anything for you. I just don't want to panic when I wake up and make a fool of myself. x

29-11-12, 12:18
I have been thinking of you a lot - what a godsend that lady is!!!

Make sure you let the hospital know you have anxiety and panic they will help you through it xxx

29-11-12, 13:54
Ricardo, my partner says I am getting delusions of grandeur and that you meant by poster girl that is because I am doing a lot of posting on site, and not the equivalent of a calendar girl, oh my, WHATAMISTAKEAIMAKA!

29-11-12, 14:18

if it made you laugh then that is part of the cure .

We will have you over here next year and join my Funny Farm Saga Holiday Week :)

from one grandparent to another :hugs:

29-11-12, 14:27
I am so glad that you were able to talk with someone who had been through the same, you are amazing you sound so positive and I am sure that is what will get you through this and you will come out the other side feeling as good as new.:hugs:

29-11-12, 14:54
That must be really reassuring. My uncle had throat cancer and had to learn to talk again - he phoned us the other day- his had also spread to his voicebox so he was in a much worse state than you. He is doing well now.

29-11-12, 19:11
lo89 I am so pleased that your Uncle is doing so well, he really did go through the mill and it's amazing what he went through. There are an awful lot of operations that are far worse than the one I am having and I will try and remember this when I first wake up from the op.

---------- Post added at 19:11 ---------- Previous post was at 19:07 ----------

Ricardo do you know I never dreamt that there was my dream holiday in existance, the Funny Farm Saga Holiday Week, my goodness and is that all inclusive as well with free orange juice, if so sign me up.

30-11-12, 10:03
Orange juce and more :)

02-12-12, 16:09
Good luck Ddcoo - I am so glad you go the chance to talk to someone else.

When I went in hospital I made a list of things that I needed/wanted for the next time I went so if you want to know what it was I can type it up for you and send it on. Just some silly things that you never think to take and wanted whilst there.