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29-11-12, 10:26
Anyone have cbt? And did it help?

29-11-12, 10:33
I was lucky enough to have 24 sessions of CBT on the NHS. My thereapist was brilliant and it helped me to control my anxiety and panics much better.

I now have the tools and knowledge to carry this forward and help in my ongoing recovery. I wish you the best of luck, it's certainly worth a go.

Kitti :)

29-11-12, 10:34
I have done 28 hours of CBT. I believe it did help although i am currently suffering again. It is hard work and painful at times but worth a go. You can never have enough tools in your locker in the fight against it. Also tried mindfulness and meditation.

29-11-12, 10:51
Hi :)

I had CBT for a phobia five years ago, and although at the time I wasn't too convinced, I now feel that without it I would be far worse. So in essence, yes, I think it helped. I no longer do some of the things that was detrimental to my health and I am much better at preventing panic attacks.

Good luck.

01-12-12, 17:45
I had CBT 2 years ago now and it really helped, my therapist was lovely and was more like a friend (nothing like the psychiatrists that just treat you as 'another case'). I was very lucky that I was referred to CBT within a week, well I suppose unlucky really as I was suffering very badly with health anxiety to the point I was convinced I was about to die I won't go into details but I was in a bad way. From then to now I'd say I've made a complete recovery, I still have a few tiny wobbles now and again but that's expected as we can recover but don't unfortunately forget. It really did help me a lot and I'm currently on the waiting list to go back but this time for my other problems. I hope that helps, good luck.

01-12-12, 22:01
I had CBT 2 years ago for panic attacks and Im now having it again for GAD, through the NHS which is great. Dont know how it will work this time with my GAD, only 2 sessions in but my therapist is great, he did a home visit last week as I was having a bad day. It really worked for me last time, but its for something different this time but I'm hoping to see some improvement :D