View Full Version : Still not reassured

29-11-12, 10:30
Hi all,well after diagnosing myself with breast cancer and my son with leukemia (wrong both times-everything fine)Ive now been obsessing about ovarian cancer,my lovely doctor agreed to send me for an ultrasound and the radiologist said there and then everything looked normal.You think i'd be thrilled but not me,im convinced shes lying and couldn't face telling me something was wrong.It feels like its never going to end:weep: x

29-11-12, 10:49
they wouldnt lie and they will always be honest and have to cover themselves - so you have nothing to worry about xx

29-11-12, 12:29
I know how hard it is to accept there is nothing wrong but you must trust them - they have to give people bad news all the time so it's not like they are trying to spare your feelings.

In Australia there is the technician that does the ultrasound then a specialized doctor goes over the reports. I am presuming it is similar in the UK therefor there are 2 people that agree there is nothing wrong, take comfort in that xxx

29-11-12, 17:26
Hi and thanks for the replies,she said shed send the report to my doctor in two weeks so it was just her.Im just never satisfied,she said she couldn't give results but when I went to toilet and came back (bladder wasn't full enough so she did internal ultrasound)she then told me everything was fine.Ive now convinced myself OH asked her to lie to spare me,sounds crazy but cant get it out of my head.Hopefully when I hear from my own doctor i'll be happy,heres hoping xxx

29-11-12, 17:36
It's not crazy sweetheart - damned anxiety!!

If there was something wrong and she didn't want to tell you she wouldn't wait 2 weeks to send it to your doctor hun. And I doubt very much your OH would lie about something so terrible just to spare you!!

Besides the fact that she would lose her job and be found negligent if that's what she did. Try to take comfort in all of those facts xxx

29-11-12, 20:34
aaah youre all so nice,its so good to know people actually understand me,thanks again xxx