View Full Version : chest pains

21-08-06, 12:01
hi everyone i just want to say i was rushed from work to a&e with chest pains i was very frightened.anyway i was kept in over night and was told from one doc that there was damage to my heart well fancy saying that to someone like me my chest went really tight and the pains are still with me well the next morning another doctor came to see me and told me that the results i was waiting for had come back and he ruled out a heart attack but said he would send me for an e c g on a tred mill i am dreading going for it.anyway since all this happened last friday ihavnt had a cigerette and im constantly feeling for my pulse im going really dizzy and i keep thinkin that every pain i get that this is the one ill have an attack today.i carnt stop rubbing my chest cos the pain is so bad when it comes .the doctor gave me asprin to take everyday and a spray to use when i get the pain so i keep thinkin if it wasnt a heart attack ur anythink but anxiety then why has he gave me all these things to take .has anyone been thru anythink simular luv tam[:O]

t motown

21-08-06, 12:11
not to make you worry but could be angina not heart attack, this is what my dad had and is now fine. the only thing you can do is have the test and see what they say.

Sorry if i have worried you even more.


22-08-06, 12:25
hi tam

i am just out of hospital today with the same thing - i had terrible chest pain yestereday but not the ususal tightness it was sharp excruiating pains and my gp thought it was a blood clot on my lung. I got sent in an ambulance to hospital and ecgs, xrays and blood clotting tests were all done - the weird thing was I had no panic - surreally calm. there was no immediate danger but they kept me in an observation ward overnight and i have to go back for a check up - probably stress related so i am chilling for a few days and not adding to the anxiety.

when the pain comes try to breathe through it and keep taking the pain killers - try not to add any further anxious thoughts but if it gets worse then call your gp back.

take care

and hope we both ok


........life is for living not just for surviving

22-08-06, 13:10
darkangel i couldent belive it when i read your reply to me thats exactly wot happened to me they kept me in over night i have got to go for an e c g on tredmill as soon as they send for me it is so scarey i havent had a ciggy since that happened on friday thats how much it effected me ,wow i carnt belive the same happened to u i hope u get well soon r u still gettin chest pain .take care love tam

t motown

22-08-06, 16:59
hi tamla

i think when you have had anxiety and panic attacks for a long time you know when something is different and when to act quickly.

you have done the right thing getting things looked at so try not to worry too much about the What ifs - keep yourself strong.

the pain comes and goes but not anything like yestereday - i am kind of taking it easy just in case it does come back - but if it does then i will act then - until then there is no point in adding extra worry

take care


........life is for living not just for surviving

22-08-06, 20:00
grls i hope all is ok im sure this was really scary

my friend marcia has been through similar things with a new symptom of scary chest pain and eventually was told it was anxiety

you mentioned tamla that the doc said you had damaged your heart. do they actually think it is damaged through anxiety or is it stress . the reason why i ask is because this is my greatest fear and it scares me that i could be damaging my heart when all along i was told that anxiety and panic would not phisically harm it

im sorry if this sounds like i am asking too many questions but i am so worried now and needed to ask you.



22-08-06, 20:39
hi jacky i had a few tests done when i was admitted and was put on the electrocardiogram e c g the scan showed some abnormalties so the doc reckons there was damage to the heart he didnt say it was due to anxiety he reckons ive been over doing things at work and at home he said it was a warning sign for me to start taking things slower as i do rush around alot and also was under alot of crap at home ive got to wait for them to send me for another ecg on a tredmill to see weather id had a heart attack ur was it an angina attack ill have to wait and see.so dont u worry i dont think anxiety can harm u

t motown

22-08-06, 20:46
was it a scan or a ecg? a scan is them looking at your heart or did they do a tracing. was the abnormalities a heart racing as this is normal in panic

how do you feel now.

i thought you said they ruled out a heart attack


23-08-06, 09:13
hi jacky it was an e c g i had i was wired up to that for 24 hrs.the doc that came round to see 8hrs later told me id had a heart attack that morning and it showed up the damage it had on the heart and id have to stay over night for them to take another bloood test which would show exatly wot had happened the blood test they had taken wouldent be back for 12 hrs later and they,d no more on that and whot meds to give me ,anyway the following morning this other doc came around and told me he was goina rule out the heart attack and diagnosed angina so he gave me meds to prevent me from havin one.and now i have to wait to go and have this other ecg on tredmill see from there the strain i have to the heart.i am so upset cos i seem to wake up with these pains and im so convinced im goina have an attack it seems to have taken a hold on me and now i carnt think of anyhthink else my neighbour came in b4 and said if i keep stressin on it ill end up havin one she reckons if i do suffer with anxiety in the end your heart ends up damaged over the years im gona see doc ill ask him and let u no i dont think it does

t motown