View Full Version : Please help me i dont know what to do...

29-11-12, 12:16
Im driving myself insane with these thoughts that i have esophagel cancer and having read that symptoms do not normally appear until its too late is terrifying me :( I cant get a doctors appointment until next week, im not sure i can go on feeling like this what can i do i fear its too late and im terminal.

RRRRRR i hate feeling like this :(

29-11-12, 12:22
Try to take a deep breathe and look at it logically.

How old are you and what is wrong??

29-11-12, 12:37
Im 29 and normally in good health.

Last week when i was eating my dinner it started to hurt in my chest when i swallowed. Every mouthful. Its still doing it now a week later. I did what i would normally do about every thing and googled in and you can guess what i read.

Its not a really bad pain, more an dull ache like it feels like food/liquid is passing over an irritated spot and it radiates through my back.

im scaring myself so much


29-11-12, 12:46
It's probably just indigestion or reflux Hun - have you had problems with that before?

I take Nexium for acid reflux and it really helps. Try not to think the worst because it generally never is xxx

29-11-12, 12:52
No never had anything like that before, it started from literally one swallow to the next. At first i thought id taken a too big mouthful or maybe burnt it a bit but it wont go away so is playing in my mind xx

29-11-12, 12:53
Well the chances are stacked against you for having it so try to push it to the back of your mind until you see the doctor (easier said then done I know xxx).

29-11-12, 12:58
Thank you for responding xx

29-11-12, 13:12
This kind of cancer is very rare for your age and would normally affect people much older and heavy smokers/drinkers etc. try not to worry and panic and relax. Tensing and fixating that area is bound to make swallowing strange. If I focus on an area of my body long enough I can make it hurt!!! Xx

29-11-12, 13:22
I was getting that too, I had a scope and they didn't even find reflux!!indigested maybe

29-11-12, 14:28
I was getting that too, I had a scope and they didn't even find reflux!!indigested maybe

Did it eventually stop?

Im still googling i should really stop xx

29-11-12, 14:35
if it was cancer, I doubt it would happen between mouthfuls - it would be more of a buildup of symptoms.
Could you have swallowed a sharp piece of food or something?

29-11-12, 20:45
please stop googling,it DOES NOT help.I am the worlds worst and have wrongly diagnosed myself with breast and ovarian cancer and my 3yr old son with leukemia.Thank God I was wrong every time.But whenever I look on google then along comes a panic attack which then makes the symptoms much worse.Please try and stay calm,easier said than done I know,but youre young and healthy,keep that in mind,take care sweetie,keep us updated,here if you need xx