View Full Version : Getting there slowly - but angry with psychiatrist

Silly Blonde
21-08-06, 12:43
After two weeks from hell and a failed attempt to come off my meds - I finally feel I'm getting there.

I went back onto my mirtazapine and went to see my psych on Thurs last week. I was in there 10 mins and he charged me £120!!!!!! Only to tell me that I had obviously weighed up the pros and cons and opted for the tried and tested mirtazapine (rather than try the new sertraline that would make me feel even more sick!!! Hmmmm - tough choice there!)

He really upset me and said that I will probably need meds for the rest of my life - bit of a problem since we want to start a family soon.

But I am not depressed!!!!!!!!!! I only get "low" when I feel sick and have tummy ache, only because it stops me from being and feeling " normal"!!

My hypnotherapist was really angry, as his comments were not very helpful and that they would make her job even harder.

I'm not going to bother seeing him again - when I do decide to stop the meds again, I'm going to do it with the help of my GP, who was the one that told me its better to get the liquid form and step down more gradually that way! He did good initially 'cos my GP was clueless when it came to choosing the right meds, I suppose its because she ain't a specialist.

Anyone else had a similar experience??? I still feel a little in control 'cos he told me to up the meds to 30mg, whereas I'm sticking to and managing on only 15mg!!!

I WILL beat this on my own!!!

21-08-06, 12:58
Well done, A positive note.

You will get there i am sure of it.

Your Psych sounds like a right knob!!!!!!

I am glad your thread is positive. Fingers crossed for normality eh??!!

Hay x

21-08-06, 13:16
Hi there

Was this psych recommended to you by anyone? How come he charges so much. You are entitled to complain about him and possibly get a refund. How can he charge £120 for 10 minutes - that is ludicrous.

I don't blame you for not going back as he was obviously not very helpful.

If you don't feel depressed then maybe it is a good time to come off the meds and see how it goes - especially if you want to start a family.

Good luck and hope it goes well.


Silly Blonde
21-08-06, 14:44
Hi Nicola

My GP referred me to him when all this kicked off around 18 months ago. I was convinced I was dying 'cos I felt sick all the time. I didn;t eat for weeks and so mirtazapine (doesn't cause nausea but really piles on the pounds) was a good choice.

Because of that I really trusted him, but now I'm in a "better place" I realised that all he does is look up the drugs in his book and prescribes the most appropriate one!!!

I have been on mirtazapine for over 18 months and during my "withdrawal" I mentioned to him that we wanted to start a family soon-ish and that I was a bit p'd off with the weight gain. So out comes the book again and he chose Sertraline (neutral weight gain and slightly "safer" during pregnancy) - only during the withdrawal the nausea, stomach ache, heartburn etc came back - yet these are the main side effects of Sertraline!!!!

I'm not going to bother to complain - I just won't bother going back!!!