View Full Version : Mouth Ulcers - I'm getting so so worried over them

21-08-06, 13:11
For the last 6 weeks, I have had a mouth ulcer for each week.
I have suffered with them in the past but one every week for the past 6 weeks has got me worrying and because I suffer from health anxiety it's making me feel sick and all tense.

When I went the doctors last week, he said as long as they are not the same ulcer then it's not the C work.

I'm seeing the hygienist tomorrow as luck would have it but I'm afraid to mentio it.

Can anybody please help in calming down or any knowledge on ulcers please?

21-08-06, 13:21
I thought you got them when you are run down and a bit low.

Maybe take some vitamin supplements for a few weeks to see if that helps.

Mention it to the hygienist - they may be able to advise what best treatment to use.

Are you watching what foods you eat as well ? Nothing that will aggrevate them - like vinegar, salt, acidy foods?


21-08-06, 13:59
I have always suffered with mouth ulcers, for as long as I can remember. I understand them to be:

1) stress induced
2) hormone induced in women (premenstrually)
3) lack of certain B vitamins

I also believe these can go hand in hand with bowel complaints and I think this is also due to the B vitamins as bowel conditions often mean you don't absorb the vitamins as you would do normally.

This year I have been getting probably 3-4 each month, and they seem to take longer and longer to go away. They increased with my anxiety, and they also made my anxiety increase! I have had several in my mouth at one time.

HOWEVER, I have been taking a good Vitamin B complex for about 5 or 6 weeks now, and in the last month I have not had any mouth ulcers! (Hope I'm not tempting fate by saying this).

I also tried corsodyl and I found this helped a bit (your hygenist can advise you on this), but I am certain it's the B vitamins that has been of most benefit. It probably took about 2 weeks from taking them before I noticed an improvement. (My anxiety levels haven't improved but the mouth ulcers have!).

I do understand what you are going through. They are horrible but, worse than the discomfort of them is the thought of "What if they aren't ordinary mouth ulcers, but mouth cancer. How would I know? Am I trying to ignore something I shouldn't?".

Hope this helps,

21-08-06, 14:34
hi red,

i just had a look on nhs direct, it says that 20% of the population have recurrent mouth ulcers at some point, so you really have nothing to worry about.

i find that i get ulcers when i have bitten the inside of my mouth, so i would guess that if you are inspecting your mouth a lot you might be irritating the skin and that might lead to more ulcers.

please try to accept what your doctor has told you as he will know what he's talking about.

i don't know your history, but is your health anxiety always based around mouth problems? if it is, do you know why? i would guess that it might be easier for you to help yourself with your anxiety if you can work out why you are dwelling on this particular problem.

sorry i cant be much more help, but i know how it feels to feel completely panicked by symptoms, so i just wanted to reassure you that recurrent mouth ulcers are very common and nothing to worry about.

take care,

21-08-06, 16:57
Hi Red,

I agree with everyone else. When I was a teenager(years ago lol) I always had mouth ulcers and doctor blamed them on stress. Please try to stop worrying about them. We are all here for you.

Take Care


21-08-06, 17:04
When my anxiety was really bad I had mouth ulcers all the time, they can be due to a alck of zzinc in the diet, so I now take Vit c with zinc and they have improved no end.

Take care

Elaine x

22-08-06, 17:17
Hi all,

I went today to see the hygienist.

First off she started talking to me about, if I'm worried then see a doctor for a blood test, which did not help me at all.

But then she said if an ulcer is present for 10-14 days then I can go back and see her but the ones I'm getting do not look sinister at all.

She has recommended multi vits to see if that helps.


23-08-06, 14:27

I get ulcers quite a lot and my girlfriends mum, who is a sports nutritionist, told me to take a zinc tablet once a day after meals and they would go away, and guess what??? Gone. Probably aslo stops you stressing about them if you think you are taking something to get rid of them.


04-01-07, 20:47
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">For the last 6 weeks, I have had a mouth ulcer for each week.
I have suffered with them in the past but one every week for the past 6 weeks has got me worrying and because I suffer from health anxiety it's making me feel sick and all tense.

When I went the doctors last week, he said as long as they are not the same ulcer then it's not the C work.

I'm seeing the hygienist tomorrow as luck would have it but I'm afraid to mentio it.

Can anybody please help in calming down or any knowledge on ulcers please?

<div align="right">Originally posted by reddevil - 21 August 2006 : 13:11:48</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Hi all,

Over Christmas I had a new mouth ulcer, which was on the inside of the lip. This ulcer got better and vanished then a new big ulcer appeared under the teeth and the front, very painfull.

I have just looked in the mirror as I have had it for 7 days and I noticed two small white ulcers appearing in front of the present ulcer.

I do not want to google but can this happen, as I'm worried there not ulcers?


05-01-07, 11:18
hi, i get exactly the same problem as you and it used to terrify me, about 12 months ago i had a mouth full of ulcers and a small white sore spot on the roof of my mouth. As you can imagine i was straight on to google my symptoms which didnt help as i went straight for the worst case and was convinced it was mouth cancer. Unfortunately i am terrified of the dentist so put of going for over a month (also i was scared of having my imminent death confirmed) in the end i plucked up the courage explained my anxiety and panic attacks and he let my husband sit in with me. He assured me he thought there was nothing wrong but as i was so worried he offered to send me to my local ear nose and throat clinic for confirmation. The consultant there was very thorough and after taking notes about my general health said he was sure that i was iron deficient and arranged a blood test, the results came back and my levels were dangerously low, mouth sores and ulcers are common in low iron levels( i also had very dry skin was tired all the time and my hair was coming out in clumps) it was such a relief to know it wasnt terminal and after a month course of iron tablets i was fine and now recognise my self when i feel the symptoms coming back (i have got a cluster of ulcers at the moment) you can buy iron yourself over the counter or ask your doctor to do a blood test and get it on prescription. A word of warning the iron tablets made me feel very sick which is very very normal and i was advised by a friend to use liquid iron supplement from the health food shop it is supposed to be gentler on the stomach. Hope this has taken away some of the worry

courage doesn't always roar, sometimes it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying "i will try again tomorrow"

02-10-10, 14:02
Hi , i have been suffering with mouth ulcers for about 6 months now. I like yourself was very worried about what this could be , it took me a while but i went to see my doctor. I have had blood tests done and found out my iron levels are low and this is a cause of mouth ulcers so im now taking iron tablets. I have also been put on medication to help me cope with my anxietys (which my Doctor also said cause mouth ulcers)I also seen an oral surgeon (im a dental nurse so i work longside one who squeezed me in for a quick look) he told me they were nothing to worry about and asked me if anyone in my family suffered with them as they are hereditary, I spoke to my family and found out my mum suffres terribly with them (which i never knew). Im also being checked for inflamatory bowel problems (crohns/ulceratice colitis) as i get stomach problems too and these can cause mouth ulcers as well , my dentist told me that 99% of ulcers she see's are nothing to worry about and that only if the same ulcer has been in the same place for a while do they send for a better luck, Hope this helps :)

02-10-10, 23:14
I get them all the time and have done since I was small and I'm still here. I used to get loads and loads. Once I had a massive one, once I had one in my throat. They all went. When you're run down and tired and stressed you will get more.

03-10-10, 00:39
I have always had a problem with mouth ulcers but I've worked out what causes mine now and I try to stay away from the things that can bring them on. acidic food/drinks and a certain chemical in regular toothpaste trigger mine off so I've been using aloe vera toothpaste which has made a huige difference. Unfortunately I have a bit of an addiction to a certain lemon flavoured drink which ALWAYS gives me mouth ulcers! I only have it as a treat now but sometimes I just can't help myself and end up having a few glasses of it in a day. Also if I bite my lip I get an ulcer there.

Last week I decided to treat myself to a bottle of the lemon drink...bad decision...I have had about 6 tongue ulcers in a row since! Oops. Also I bit my lip REALLY hard a couple of times in the same place last week and now have a massive ulcer there which is taking a while to heal. It's going down but it's taking a long time to go :(

Mouth ulcers sometimes come up when you're stressed and anxious and it can be a sign that you're run down or not getting enough sleep/the right vitamins.

I wouldn't worry about it unless it refuses to heal after 14 days like the dentist said. Mouth ulcers are very common especially in people who are stressed or anxious/depressed. Look after yourself. I hope your ulcer heals up soon :) Oh and use bonjela, it's good stuff :)

Moonlight xx