View Full Version : Lymph nodes rescan

29-11-12, 19:57
Hi everyone

I posted a month or so ago about swollen lymph nodes. I went to the doctor regarding a swollen node behind my ear, he sent me for a ultrasound. The ultrasound found that I had several swollen nodes on the left side if my neck and I had to go for a rescan that was today.
Today I had the rescan, the nodes are still swollen but look the same as on the last scan. The sonographer said the nodes are reactive and are about 0.6mm. He thinks they could be related to my ongoing wisdom tooth trouble. My husband was with me and told the sonographer about my anxiousness. He then proceeded to scan around my left side collarbone where the nodes are normal. He showed me one of my swollen nodes on the screen and showed me like this heat image of it that shows the fattyness or something, he explained about being suspicious of nodes that mine are enlarged byt they worry more about nodes 10mm or bigger also that the heat image pattern is not what they would regard as suspicious.

Anyone had similar experiences. He said he will send report to my doctor and see what he says. I am still worrying tho why are they constantly enlarged I am scared of cancer :(

29-11-12, 20:25
Hi I have ongoing lymph nodes issues. Have had 3 swollen behind ear for 5 months, 2 groin, and 2 back of neck. I have had them checked by GP who said they did not look sinister and did a couple of blood tests, which came back clear.
I wanted mine to be scanned with ultrasound when I went to have weird swelling on my collar bone looked at, but the GP said it was unnecessary and as he had already checked them and done blood test, I needed to forget about them (easier said then done) After reading your post I wish I could have had mine scanned as it seems like you at least get some information and idea to what is happening. Sounds like your news was reassuring , so I would try and take heart from that. xxxx

29-11-12, 20:32
Thank you, I just have to wait and see what if the doctor thinks I should be signed off or monitored, done the worst thing and been googling tonight for "reassurance" of course didn't help xxx

29-11-12, 21:06
They would know what to look for if they were worrisome. Try and be reassured, sounds like good news to me!

30-11-12, 12:31
Hi, I have a swollen lymph node size of a cherry on my neck for several years. The doctor sent me to couple of scans and every time they told me it was fine but I would need to return after some months to rescan it. In the end I preferred not to return and I am still alive and the node is the same size after all this time :)
Ultrasound gives a very clear information about the type of a lymph node, it is very difficult to miss something serious. So I think that your results are really reassuring and that you should relax about it.