View Full Version : Has anyone got better without meds? Anyone with phobia of drugs?

30-11-12, 01:07
Hi everyone, I am struggling with something and wondered what you thought as experts on this horrid thing we're all suffering. I suffered with generalised anxiety disorder when I was 19 and after struggling for weeks I started on a course of citalopram. It worked and helped me but I then found myself frightened to come off it. Finally I did and I have been panic-free for 8 years. Sadly anxiety and panic have reared their ugly heads again in the last 6 weeks and I've been doing everything I can to help myself - yoga, running, hypnotherapy, therapy, meditation, distraction but I am still having some very bad days indeed and I don't think I am overall getting any better. I am thinking of going back on citalopram but it was so hard to come off I am really reluctant to do so. I am also obsessively worried about taking drugs as I am a bit of a control freak and I don't want to feel something else it controlling me if that makes sense. Does anyone else have a similar drug phobia? Has anyone managed to overcome a period of very intense anxiety without medication?
Would be really grateful for any help at all.
Lots of love

30-11-12, 01:40
Hi Sophie,
I have GAD for over 7 years and also was taking cipralex for 4 years and became absolutely fine for the past 1,5 years and didt take any tabs for a year. Then 2 weeks after 8 months of many accumulated family problems i had my first attack in 1,5 years. Anxiety came back, i saw the doc and i am back on copralex. I started from 5mg. Doc said to increase to 10 later, i will see how it goes. It has been not so good yesterday, as i am travellig for the past 2 days, and had bad sleeps. The panic came back many times since 2 weeks ago and i tool few days off work.
I am also very scared of meds. I cant bare a thought of local anastesia, i have allergy to antiviotics and just general fear of meds.
But i know that cipralex helped me before and i am sure it will this time.
It should if you believe in it.
There are some sideeffects in the beginning, but you can try to tolerate them.
Take care

30-11-12, 01:42
I don't take meds and did it the CBT and self-help route if that helps

01-12-12, 00:42
Hi Soph, I have had a panic disorder about 12 years or so, took some meds when I was 17, didn't go with it. Continued without dealt with it for a few years the learnt to self control for about 6 years, was always there for that time but completely in control and happy as can be. Just come back again last May has been bad but I am again with no drugs getting better by the day. Will happily tell you more tomorrow but I am almost asleep and have been on here for hours :) speak tomorrow! x

01-12-12, 06:51
Hi Sophie,

I have had rising anxiety levels for the last 6 months. The original ailment was dysthemia, a form of depression which I have had since many years. My doc put me on varying doses of escilatopram and clonezepam. My anxiety started peaking and day to day life became very difficult. Most of my relationships became unstable. Interacting with people became a nightmare. Even minor changes in the doses were making things worse. I Wasn't sleeping properly for months. Dependance on pills increased and there was no way out except to take more and to cope with the side effects. And a small fortune was spent on doc visits and medicines.

I did some research and found some some herbs and other medicines which have been around for thousands of years. I read extensively and the risk seemed worth taking.

The below worked/ works for me and my symptoms are improving. It is a vast relief to be getting my old life back in a better form.
Here is my 1 month experience - hope you find it useful.

Took a few weeks away from work and away from people.
Started weaning off both pills. I used a paper cutter to slice the pills into smaller pieces and started reducing the dosage gradually.
As my anxiety peaked even more, memory loss set in and it became confusing to know and remember which pill to take and in which dose. It may help to cut pills and neatly pack them in advance so once weaning off starts there is no scope for taking the wrong dosage. Once the weaning off starts your thinking will get disrupted for some time. It is best to organise and label your meds so there is no scope for relying on memory.

As the pill dosage reduced,so did the descent into absolute hell. this happened for a couple of weeks. I began to hallucinate frequently. Many other symptoms followed - aggression, irritability, inappropriate behaviour, mood swings, insomnia, feelings of depression, suicidal thoughts etc. I kept going, relying on relaxation tapes, meditation, breathing exercises and drinking a lot of water to help cope.

After the last day of the pills was past, I drank a lot of water for 2 days to flush out the remnants from my body.

Then I started taking the below herbal tablets. Please read up thoroughly on them so you know what you are getting into. IMPORTANT - TAKE THEM ONLY AFTER COMPLETELY STOPPING EXISTING MEDICINES. THEY MAY REACT ADVERSELY WITH SSRIS/ BENZODIAZEPINES AND YOU MAY END UP WITH MORE SIDE EFFECTS.

A) Geriforte tablets - Manufacturer says this helps treat dysthemia, depression and various forms of anxiety.
B) Mentat tablets - Manufacturer says this helps boost memory and other forms of brain function.
Read up on these and go through research papers on the internet to know other peoples accounts.

My anxiety is now much better. My depression is easing too.
Am sleeping normal hours and wake up automatically refreshed.
In my opinion, this has so far, worked out to be the best treatment for anxiety. I tried many different ways before to reduce anxiety but nothing could be sustained for more than a few days. This is simple and very effective.

Make sure any existing tablets/ pills are completely stopped.
Dosage is mentioned on the tablet containers. I take 2 of these 2-3 times a day. No known adverse side effects or reactions from overdosing.
Walk briskly for 30-45 minutes each day to keep blood circulation going.
Avoid spicy foods/ anything that is hard to digest and drink a lot of water.
The symptoms associated with weaning off were maximum for the first 3-5 weeks and started reducing beyond that.
Use meditation/ relaxation tapes to relax.
Avoid getting into any arguments or confrontations with anyone. Period. It is just not worth it and will make things worse. You wont be your normal self in this state.

This is my way of sharing my experience with all those in this state of despair not knowing what to do.
No harm in trying alternative medicines.
If they do not work, one can go back to the old ones!
Another note of caution. Make sure to stop conventional medicines completely first before taking these or any other herbs.

All the best and God bless !

01-12-12, 23:57
If you are scared of neurological effects, see what magnesium does for you. It is natural and helps people with migraines for example. But it has to be because our diet is low in magnesium. If yours is not, then it will have no effect.

Google Magnesium miracle, there are some books. Beware of diarrhea at first, or use salts of Mg that do not cause diarrhea so much, Magnesium oxide is worst.

Here is the book. You are only out of 9 pounds and a week of diarrhea if it does not work.

02-12-12, 19:34
I have a huge drug phobia and i suffer symptoms with any drug i take as im so anxious and think its doing something bad to me

02-12-12, 19:52
I have a fear of allergic reactions to meds and cannot read any literature that comes with the medication, because of side effect listings etc. I have had to start on meds just recently and find that after the initial first days of apprehension about having a reaction, I have now settled down a bit and am taking them regularly.